- It was cold, raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home. 天气寒冷,又下著雨,而最倒霉的是,我们得走著回家。
- His house burnt down, his car was stolen, and to crown it all he lost his job. 他的房子给烧了,汽车也给偷了,更糟的是,他的职业也丢掉了。
- To crown it all, I lost my cell phone there. 更糟糕的是,在那里我丢了手机。
- Agriculture and industry are at a standstill. Food is scarce and to crown it all, there is no central government in being. 工农业生产停滞不前,粮食匮乏,更为糟糕的是,中央政府已完全不复存在。
- They wanted to crown Caesar king. 他们想立凯撒为王。
- He opened a bottle of wine to crown the feast. 他开了一瓶葡萄酒使宴会圆满结束。
- He opened a bottle of wine to crown the feast . 他开了一瓶葡萄酒使宴会圆满结束。
- They wanted to crown Caesar king . 他们想立凯撒为王。
- Have golden casques to crown them gloriously. 戴着金色的头盔,顶着光荣的冠冕。
- I play so with the idea to crown the king. 我这样走的想法是想变为王棋。
- It was cold,raining,and,to crown it all,we had to walk home. 天气寒冷,又下著雨,而最倒霉的是,我们得走著回家。
- It was cold and raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home. 天气寒冷又下着雨,最糟的是我们得走着回家。
- To crown, decorate, or encircle with or as if with a wreath. 加冕、装饰用或仿佛用花环来加冕、装饰或围绕
- to crown all 更高兴的是 ...
- His house burnt down,his car was stolen,and to crown it all he lost his job. 他的房子给烧了,汽车也给偷了,更糟的是,他的职业也丢掉了。
- We were hopelessly lost,tired,hungry and,to crown it all,it started to rain. 我们完全迷路了,感到疲乏和饥饿,而且更糟的是,天又开始下起雨来了。
- Please take me to Crowne Plaza Fudan Shanghai! 请送我到复旦皇冠假日酒店!
- Then the association decided not to crown him that day. 但是,农会议决,今天不给他戴高帽子。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- The next day Merlin invited all the princes and dukes of the kingdom to come to the cathedral to crown Arthur as the true king of England. 隔天,梅林便邀请王国里的所有王子和公爵们来大教堂,打算加冕亚瑟成为真正的英格兰国王。