- to dig one's heels in [fig] 坚持自己的立场
- Well, if he thinks that is too much trouble to dig one by one, the acquisition is simply a strategy. 那么如果他嫌一个一个地挖比较麻烦,索性收购也是一种策略。
- He was only able to dig one basket of Asiatic Plantains during the entire afternoon. 一个下午,他就挖了一筐车前。
- The officer ordered his men to dig in. 军官命令部下挖战壕自卫。
- It take me about two hour and a half to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meter in depth. 挖一个直径为1米、深为2米的洞大约要花费我两个小时半的时间。
- The enemy scarcely had time to dig in before our assault was on. 敌人还没来得及挖好掩体,我们的进攻就开始了。
- I was early for the appointment, so I had to cool my heels in the outer office. 我比约定的时间来得早,所以只得在外面的办公室里等着。
- to dig one's way through the crowd 奋力挤过人群
- Then they all took to their heels in fright. 这时他们都吓得逃跑了。
- It is not easy to dig out the past. 发掘过去的历史是不容易的。
- Ten soldiers were told off to dig ditches. 十名战士被分派去挖沟。
- I forgot to dig a trench around the tent. 我忘了在帐篷四周挖一条沟。
- Newspapers love to dig up scandal. 报纸就是爱把丑事儿揭出来。
- He will not agree with you. He still sticks his heels in. 他不会同意你的观点,他仍然不改变主意。
- We had to dig deeper to find water. 我们必须再挖深些才能找到水。
- They were attacked before they had time to dig in. 他们还来不及挖战壕就受到了攻击。
- dig one's heels in 站稳自己的脚跟,坚持自己的立场
- It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well. 挖一口深井很费事。
- We are expecting to dig out some important facts. 我们希望能找出一些重要的事实。
- The committee tried to persuade the chairman to give them more time for a decision, but he dug his heels in and refused to listen. 委员会委员们试图说服主席让他们多考虑一段时间再作决定,但是主席固执己见,不听他们的。