- Two more goblins, trying to edge past the shrieking couple into the room, were caught in the chain of malevolent magic. 更有两个地精期望跨过这尖叫的一对儿跻进屋内,同样被这恶毒的魔法锁链所捕获。
- You'll have to edge the knife, it's blunt. 你得把这刀磨一磨,它钝了。
- The root of the big tree trends to edge away the corner stone. 这棵大树的根可能会把墙角石顶走。
- The mouth of the cave was so narrow that we had to edge in. 洞口太窄了,我们只能侧着身子走进去。
- Jack edged past him to the window. 杰克侧着身子绕过他走到窗口。
- I tried to edge in a word or two,but failed. 我想说一两句,但插不上嘴。
- You' ll have to edge the knife, it' s blunt. 你得把这刀磨一磨,它钝了。
- Voyager 1 Sails to Edge of Solar System? 旅行者1号冲出太阳系了吗?
- Kitty would like to edge her record still higher. 基蒂想把自己的记录逐步提高。
- I tried to edge in a word or two, but failed. 我想说一两句,但插不上嘴。
- to edge past 缓缓通过
- My old grandmother always used to edge her table-cloths with lace. 我的老祖母总是习惯把桌布镶上花边。
- Stanley said, trying to edge some menace into his voice. 史坦利有意识地露出了几分威胁的口气。
- The top is two inches of milk foam, edging past the brim like a snow bank. 顶部是2英寸厚的牛奶泡沫,沫子已经溢出杯口,好似白雪一样,堆积在一起。
- There was such a big crowd at the gate that we had to edge out. 门口挤了这么多人,我们只能慢慢地向外挤出去。
- My old granny always used to edge her table-cloths with lace. 我的老祖母过去总是用花边给她的桌布镶边。
- We edged past kegs of nails,coils of garden hose and rolls of screen wire over to a corner. 我们慢慢地绕过一桶桶钉子,一捆捆浇花水管,和丝网,来到一个角落。
- The doorway was crowded, so I had to edge along towards the door. 门厅里挤满了人,我只好侧着身子慢慢地挤到了门口。
- The doorway was crowded,so I had to edge along towards the door. 门厅里挤满了人,我只好侧着身子慢慢地挤到了门口。
- The mouth of the cave was so narrow that we had to edge in . 洞口太窄,我们只能侧着身走进去。