- to exhale a sigh 发出一声叹息
- Almost all winners will exhale a sigh of his agonizing story when he recollect his past time and prides himself on being tried in the furnace . 几乎所有的成功者回过头来,都会对曾经的艰苦发出感叹,对磨练出的坚韧精神感到自豪。
- She heaved a sigh and became lost in thought. 她叹了口气,随即陷入了沉思。
- In the wrong time, meets to the human, is a sigh. 在错的时间,遇见对的人,是一阵叹息。
- AS PUBLIC protest in Tehran seems to dwindle, at any rate on the streets, many Arab leaders are quietly exhaling a sigh of relief. 随着在德黑兰的公众抗议活动,至少是街头抗议活动的逐步减少,许多阿拉伯国家领导人暗地里都松了一口气。
- When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh. 听到这消息时,他叹了口气。
- Allow the client to exhale between breaths. 两次呼吸间应允许病人呼气。
- We all heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe. 当我们听说他们平安无事时,都松了一口气。
- Vader exhaled a long breath like a deep sigh. 维达呼出一口长气,它像是一声深深的叹息。
- He flumped down into his chair with a sigh. 他叹了一口气就扑通一声坐到椅子上。
- Clara carolled on a sigh that sank deep. 克莱拉用一个深沉的叹息唱着颂歌。
- After read her daughter's letter, mrs. white breathed a sigh of relief. 读完女儿的来信,怀特太太宽慰地松了口气。
- He exhaled a billow of cigar smoke. 他吐出一股雪茄烟。
- He said he agreed, heaving a sigh. 他叹息一声说可以。
- The old man uttered a sigh and went out . 那位老人叹息了一声,走了出去。
- In answer he only fetched a sigh. 他仅仅发出一声叹息作为回答。
- In answer he only fetched a sigh . 他仅仅发出一声叹息作为回答。
- The old man uttered a sigh and went out. 那位老人叹息了一声,走了出去。
- Plunked into the armchair with a sigh of relief. 如释负重地倒在安乐椅中
- She heaved a sigh of disappointment. 刘玉英失望地叹一口气。