- Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to function normally. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。
- Sodium is a regular part of our food supply. It is absolutely necessary for the human body to function normally. 钠是我们食物中的正常组分,是人体保持正常机能所必需的。
- The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism,an organ,or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion. 疲劳组织、器官或身体一部分功能减退或完全丧失,主要是由于过度刺激或长期劳累引起的。
- The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion. 疲劳组织、器官或身体一部分功能减退或完全丧失,主要是由于过度刺激或长期劳累引起的
- The domain name system(DNS) is the most important and basic service on the Internet. Stable and secure DNS is a necessary condition for Internet to function normally. 域名服务是internet最重要和最基本的服务,DNS的稳定和安全直接关系到internet的正常与否。
- However, if the low mood is frequent or persists, or seems so severe that it affects your ability to function normally, it is time to seek out some help. 但是,如果低心情是频繁或坚持,或似乎很严厉,它影响您的能力通常起作用,是时间寻找一些帮助。
- More effective anti-depressants and anti-psychotics are beginning to relieve the crippling illness of the mind, allowing sufferers to function normally and happily in society. 现在有更有效的治疗抑郁和治疗精神疾病的药到病除手段可以减轻病人的精神负担,使病人恢复正常,幸福地生活。
- His brain seems to be functioning normally. 他的大脑看起来功能正常。
- This would have been a dangerous situation called hypoadrenalism and it was avoided by giving the patient synthetic cortisol (hydrocortisone) until the gland began to function normally again. 这很可能会引起肾上腺功能减退的危险,不过在健康的肾上腺能自己正常工作之前,通过服用人工合成的皮质醇可避这个问题。
- I need money to be able to function as an artist. 我需要钱才能当一个艺术家。
- (pathology) inability of a bodily part or organ to function normally. 身体的一部分或器官的功能不正常。
- To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner. 消极怠工以一种缺乏兴趣或低效率的方式运作
- Handguns function normally every day of the month. 一个月的每一天,你的手枪都一样好用。
- He's able to function independently. 他能够行动自理。
- My oven failed to function, the cake did not rise. 我的烘箱坏了,蛋糕发不起来。
- We absolutely need to function with spring! 我们绝对需要有弹跳功能的笔。
- Unable to function, act, or make progress. 不产生效果的不能再作用、行动或进步的
- To function as an amulet or charm. 作护身符或符咒。
- Clean-uip fan and tested fan function normal. 官方维修结果: Replaced systemboard and test ok.
- A society would not be able to function smoothly. 社会没法正常运转。