- I'm convinced the new method won't work but I'll still have to go through the motions. 我相信这个新方法不会起什么作用,但我仍还得去这么干。
- Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
- Aleck was a Christian from the cradle, and duty and the force of habit required her to go through the motions . 艾莱柯从小就是个基督徒,基督徒的规矩和习惯的力量都约束着她的情感。
- He is willing to go through the mill. 他愿接受磨链。
- For example, a girl who does not feel very excited herself may encourage her boyfriend to go through the motions of coitus while lying fully clothed on top of her. 例如,没有感到自己非常兴奋的女孩可能会鼓励他的男友一边完全不脱衣服躺在她的身上,一边做出性交的样子。多数男孩在这种方式里容易达到性高潮;
- The only thing worse than just going through the motions is just no bothering to go through the motions. 比光想不做更糟糕的是连想都不想。
- Have you have time to go through the product hall? 你是否抽时间参观商品展览?
- You have to go through the platform tunnel. 你们得过地道。
- The rope is too thick to go through the hole. 绳子太粗,穿不过这个孔。
- Have you had time to go through the products halls? 你是否抽时间参观商品展览?
- It pays to go through the trouble. 经历这个困难是值得的。
- You have to go through the formalities one by one. 你们只能一个一个地办手续。
- They have enough food to go through the winter. 他们有足够的粮食度过冬天。
- Every reporter who wants to run the whole newspaper has to go through the mill first so that he can learn the job the hard way. 每个有意统筹经营整个报纸的新闻记者都得首先受到磨炼、经历艰难困苦才能学会这一门。
- He thought it his duty to go through the papers. 他认为自己有责任检查这些文件。
- He had to stoop to go through the door. 他必须俯身才能通过那道门。
- I'd like you to go through the book. 想请你审阅一下这本书。
- I've come to go through the discharge formalities. 我来办理出院手续。
- He thought it his duties to go through the papers. 他认为审阅这些文件是他的职责。
- Ve come to go through the discharge formalities. 下午好!我来办理出院手续。