- He is a busy man and seldom indulges in a holiday. 他是个大忙人,难得有机会好好地度假。
- There is no need to indulge in such heroics. 根本没有必要这样肆意夸张。
- I even went so far as to indulge in a fling at the principal. 我甚至连校长也挖苦了一番。
- Why are the aged liable to indulge in a certain activity? 很多老年人为什么为沉溺某一项活动?
- to indulge in a holiday 享受一次度假
- This is no time to indulge in sarcasm. 现在可不是一味讽刺挖苦的时候。
- As a result of the haste, reporters frequently have little opportunity to indulge in their own stylistic preferences. 由于时间仓促,记者们往往很少有机会能按照自己爱好的风格写稿。
- To indulge in the intemperate pursuit of pleasure. 放荡,挥霍,耽乐沉溺于欢乐的无节制的追求中
- They agreed to take a holiday for once in a way. 他们同意破例度一次假。
- To indulge in self-dramatization. 沉溺于自我戏剧化
- To indulge in something to excess. 过分沉溺于某事
- I'm in a cleft stick; I don't know whether to spend my bonus on a holiday or on a new set of clothes. 我现在进退两难:我不知道该把奖金用于度假呢,还是用于购置一套新衣服。
- To indulge in self - dramatization. 沉溺于自我戏剧化
- Don't allow yourselves to indulge in false hopes. 不要让自己存不切实际的希望。
- Children like to indulge in candy and ice-cream. 孩子们贪吃-糖果和冰淇淋。
- It is harmful to indulge in whims and caprices. 沉溺于胡思乱想和心血来潮是有害的。
- They say kissing is the language of love. Care to indulge in a little conversation? 他们说接吻是爱的语言。你介意我们交谈一下么?
- At that time,I thought it rather odd. Given the situation he was in,how could he still be in a mood to indulge in photography. 那时,我心里便觉得有些奇特,为什么他在这个时候,还有心情玩着这种东西?
- Now in the U.S., my leaves are put aside bit by bit for a visit home and hence it is not possible for me to indulge in a leisurely roaming. 现在在美国,休假的时间是辛辛苦苦攒起来的,要留给回国探亲,更提不上去从从容容地云游四方了。
- At that time, I thought it rather odd. Given the situation he was in, how could he still be in a mood to indulge in photography. 那时,我心里便觉得有些奇特,为什么他在这个时候,还有心情玩着 这种东西?