- I had to live on bread and water when I was a student. 我上大学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活。
- We'd have to live on bread and water the rest of the year. 在那一年的以后日子里,我们还得过粗茶淡饭的生活。
- I have to live on bread and water when I was a student. 我上大学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活。
- We couldn't possibly afford a holiday like that! Why we'd have to live on bread and water the rest of the year. 我们不可能那样来度假!要不,一年的其余日子我们都得以粗茶淡饭来打发了。
- I need to get some bread to live on. 我需要弄点钱,维持生活。
- The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。
- He has barely enough money to live on. 他的钱仅够勉强维持生计。
- They are asked to live on campus. 校方要求他们住校。
- People have to live on something more nourishing than hope. 人们必须依赖比希望更滋养的东西来过活。
- You can not live on bread alone. 你不能仅靠面包维生。
- I live on bread and water at school. 我在学校时过着粗茶淡饭的生活。
- I wouldn't care to live on the tenth floor. 我不愿意住在第十层楼。
- She finds it difficult to live on her grant. 她发现依靠助学金难以生活。
- The workers had to live on their savings. 工人们只好靠原有的积蓄生活。
- I had to live on bread and water when I was a student 我上大学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活
- These workers moonlight to live on a higher plane. 这些工人靠兼差来提高生活水平。
- Sheep must be hardy to live on the hills in winter. 羊必须强壮,冬天才能在山上生活。
- He had barely enough money to live on. 他几乎没有钱维持生活。
- But you must give me a reason to live on. 但你必须给我一个继续生存下去的理由。
- The bosses expect their workmen to live on air. 这些老板指望他们的工人喝西北风过日子。