- Don't forget to load your camera. 别忘了给你的相机装软片。
- The man on the train tried to load me up with stories of his wealth. 火车上的那个男人向我大谈特谈有关他的财富的事情。
- She forgot to load her camera with film. 她忘了给相机装胶卷了。
- Unable to load the Help file for this application. 无法加载该应用程序的帮助文件。
- To ship; to load; to take on a ship. 装上货轮。
- Help me to load the sacks on to the cart . 帮我把货装到这个车上。
- The stevedores'work is to load and unload ships. (码头)装卸工人的工作是装卸船只。
- You need to load thousand of entries at a time. 你很少的时间里需要装载上千的数据项。
- Help me to load the sacks on to the cart. 帮我把货装到这个车上。
- Their business is to load and unload aircraft. 他们的任务是装卸空运货物。
- To load down, burden, or oppress. 使负重,使负担或压迫
- Unable to load mail system support. 无法加载邮件系统支持。
- The ship is now lying off,ready to load up. 船停泊在附近,准备装载货物。
- The stevedores'work is to load and unload ships . 装卸工人的工作是装卸船只。
- I'll show you how to load the software. 我给你演示一下如何装入这套软件。
- The name of the string resource to load. 要加载的字符串资源的名称。
- Un-coiler adopts hydraulic cylinder to expand the steel coil and can automatically load material. 开卷装置采用液压涨紧,自动上卷方式;
- The name used to load the resource. 用于加载资源的名称。
- Object to load any external references. 对象加载任意外部引用。
- Option to load the image into the column. 选项将图像加载到列中。