- A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a 1906 gas head lamp. 一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。
- The group are warned to look out for pickpockets. 这些人得到警告说要当心扒手。
- The group were warned to look out for pickpocket. 这些得到警告说要当心扒手。
- The patient is able to look out for himself. 病人现在能自己照料自己了。
- One major pitfall to look out for is feature bloat. 可以预计,将会遇到的一个主要缺陷是特性膨胀。
- Dr. Cure asked me to look out for you. 居里博士吩咐我好好照顾你。
- Tell them to look out for the men of the East. 跟他们说,盼着东方人来吧。
- We were taught to look out for Bad drivers. 我们被教导要当心恶劣的司机。
- You'll have to look out for yourself. 你不得不自己注意自己。
- to look out for complications 注意并发症
- I have to look out for my sister's children once a week. 我每周必须去照顾一次我姐姐的几个孩子。
- Remember to look out for strangers when you go walking. 你散步的时候要记住当心陌生人。
- "Ah! They asked me to look out for you!" said the man. “啊!他们叫我来追你们
- What are some other potential holiday hazards to look out for? 另外该找出的潜在的节日危险是什麽呢?
- Don't work too hard. You have to look out for your health. 不要工作得太累,要注意自己的健康。
- I you go to that place look out for trouble. 如果你到那地方去,小心遇上麻烦。
- A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a1906gas head lamp. 一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。
- I suppose you'll be coming to tell me to look out for a new governess. 我猜,你会让我另请高明了吧。
- Layout of An Essay PARTS THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR Introduction Introduce. 雅思议论文写作篇章结构。
- If anything happens to me he is going to have nobody to look out for him. 万一我有三长两短,就没有人当心他了。