- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- A good manager does not try to lord it over his or her team. 好的主管不会试图对下属专横跋扈的。
- If he thinks he's going to lord it over me, he's mistaken. 他要是以为可以欺负我,那他可打错算盘了。
- to lord it over others 对人称王称霸
- to lord it over others 对人称王称霸
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。
- With a puppet prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, from his Pakistan People's Party, Mr Zardari is poised to lord it over Pakistan. 再加上来自巴基斯坦人民党的扎尔达里充当傀儡总理,扎尔达里如鱼得水地操控着巴基斯坦。
- All this I saw, as I applied my mind to everything done under the sun. There is a time when a man lords it over others to his own hurt. 这一切我都见过,也专心查考日光之下所做的一切事。有时这人管辖那人,令人受害。
- Don't lord it over your friends. 不要对你的朋友摆威风。
- This demand was not only unscriptural and unreasonable, it was also unconstitutional. It also exhibits the elders gross abuse of authority and attempt to lord it over the saints. 这个要求要求不但不符合圣经,也没有道理,也是违(宪)法的。它也显明,长老的滥用权柄,及对圣徒们的辖制。
- The older boys lord it over the younger ones . 大孩子欺压小孩子。
- The whites lord it over the native. 白人对土人如君临一般。
- In Stephen's eyes, Mainlanders belong to that class of “uncivilized” Chinese, so he is accustomed to lording it over them. 在斯蒂芬.彭眼中,大陆人属于尚未开化的华人,所以他对大陆人牛逼惯了。
- The older boys lord it over the younger ones. 大孩子欺压小孩子。
- Wise man will lord it over the stars. 聪明人将掌握自己的命运。
- he must never shut himself up in his little room, or brag and boast and lord it over others. 决不可把自己关在小房子里,自吹自擂,称王称霸。
- He lorded it over the committee. 他对委员会指手画脚。
- The US lorded it over the island until 1972. 美国在冲绳岛上发号施令的日子一直持续到1972年。
- Why does David lord it over everybody? He's no better than the rest of us. 戴维为何盛气凌晨人?他不比我们任何人强。
- The days are over when the colonialists could lord it over the people. 殖民主义者在人民头上逞威风的日子已一去不复返了。