- to neck a cock 宰杀一只公鸡
- He is like a cock who though the sun has risen to hear him crow. 他像一只以为太阳出来是为了听他啼声的雄鸡。
- A barley-corn is better than a diamond to a cock. 对一只公鸡来说,一颗麦粒优于一颗钻石。
- A barley corn is better than a diamond to a cock. 对公鸡来讲,一粒大麦粒要比一颗钻石好。
- How wonderful to be a cock so bold! 要是成为一只勇敢的公鸡该多了不起啊!
- A barly-corn is better than a dimond to a cock. 对于一只公鸡来说,一颗麦粒胜似一颗钻石。
- A barly-corn is better than a diamond to a cock. 对于公鸡来说;麦粒胜过钻石.
- Yes,he is neck to neck with Ian. 是的,他与伊恩并驾齐驱了。
- It was dawn, and I could hear a cock crowing somewhere. 天亮了,我听到从某处传来雄鸡的报晓声。
- Goat tied around his neck a little bell. 山羊的脖子上系着一个小铃铛。
- Lovers come here at night to neck. 在夜晚,情人们来到这儿拥抱接吻。
- Better is a cock for a day than a hen for a year. 宁为人杰称雄一日,不做弱者碌碌一世。
- Yes, he is neck to neck with Ian. 是的,他与伊恩并驾齐驱了。
- There is a picture of a cock on its cover. 在它的封面上有一只公鸡的照片。
- A cock is always beld on its own dunghill. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王。
- A bull,a cock and a he goat are males. 公牛,公鸡,公羊都是雄性动物。
- A cock be always bold on its own dunghill . 山中无老虎,猴子称大王。
- A cock is bold on his own dung hill. 公鸡只能在自己的堆上称霸。
- The cloud was in the shape of a cock. 那云成公鸡形。
- Get along with you. It's a cock and bull story. 去你的, 这是无稽之谈。