- Some native people throw walnut leaves into rivers to poison the fish. 一些土著人将胡桃树叶投进河里,以毒死鱼。
- Industrial wastes have poisoned the river. 工业废弃物污染了这条河。
- to poison the rivers 毒化河水
- Some native people throw walnut leaves into rivers to poison the fish; dead fish are easy to catch. 一些土著人将核桃树叶丢进河里将鱼毒死;而死鱼是很容易捉的。
- His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further. 他的评论只有使气氛更加恶化。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- Teachers are not allowed to poison the children's minds with evil propagandas. 不允许教师用有害宣传毒害儿童的心灵。
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。
- The path led through the trees to the river. 那条小路穿过树林通向河边。
- Someone tried to poison our dog. 有人想毒杀我们的狗。
- The garden extends to the river bank. 这个花园直伸展到河岸。
- We must not allow these bad men to poison the children's minds with their own opinions. 我们绝不允许,这些坏人用自己的观点来毒害孩子们的心灵。
- The boat was moored to (a post on) the river bank. 船系泊到河岸(的一根桩子)上。
- In the thermal reactor it promotes corrosion, and in the catalystic reactor it tends to poison the catalyst. 在热反应器中,它促进腐蚀,在催化反应器中,它能使催化剂中毒。
- Teachers are not allowed to poison the children's minds with their own opinions. 教师不许以个人的观点去影响孩子们的思想。
- They have to rely on the river for their water. 他们用水只好依靠这条河。
- Chinese Corporation: you have two cows, both are bover-milked, and you added melamine in the milk to poison the world. 中国企业:你有两头母牛,两头都挤奶过度,所以你就在牛奶里面加了三聚氰胺毒害全世界。
- It was rumored that it was a missionary of Catholicism who bribed people to poison the well water. 有传言称是天主教的传教士出钱贿人往井水里投毒。
- He crossed the bridge to this side of the river. 他过桥来到河的这一边。
- Even if that moment is at hand, two other slumps are likely to poison the economy for much longer. 即便这一刻即将到来,另外两场衰退却可能会毒害经济更久。