- A system is in place to prioritize work orders. 已有决定工作单的优先次序的系统。
- Nobody is going to prioritize your life for you. 没有人会为你把你的生命。
- Stack rank used to prioritize work. 用于确定工作优先级的堆栈级别。
- You need to prioritize your tasks. 你需要先做最重要的工作。
- Everyone shall take time to is alone ,to prioritize and meditate. 每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思。
- Hold the ability to prioritize and work under tight deadlines. 工作地点:中国-不限-上海市月薪:面议
- Everyone should take time to be alone,to prioritize and meditate. 每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思。
- Everyone shall take time to is alone, to prioritize and meditate. 每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思。
- Everyone should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate . 每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思
- First you have to prioritize your goals, then reach them in order. 首先将你的目标排列优先级,然后再去一一实现。
- We should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate. 我们应该抽时间独处、分清轻重缓急,并细思量。
- Rather, they needed to prioritize among the different positions. 因此,他们需要分出重要职位的优先次序。
- Ability to prioritize and direct multiple tasks for all issues. 具备对各种不同任务能分清优先顺序;并有效执行的能力.
- Everyone should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate. 每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思。
- The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。
- Professional staff should develop systems to prioritize their work efficiently. 把...区分优先次序:按事物的重要性进行排序
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- But it forced me to prioritize and focus my energy on tasks that had a direct impact on the bottom line. 不过这迫使我区分事情的轻重缓急,专心致力于会对底线造成直接影响的任务上。