- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 几家大公司串通一气抬高物价。
- They may have to raise prices or sacrifice profits. 他们可能不得不提高价钱或牺牲利润。
- And caps on roaming charges will cause operators to raise prices elsewhere. 并且漫游价封顶也会使运营商在其他方面加价。
- But even Anheuser-Busch has been forced to raise prices for its six-packs. 但即便如此,安豪泽-布施公司还是被迫在六瓶装的啤酒上提高了价格。
- Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home; his home is New Jersey. 我的家乡在黄土高坡。
- When they started to raise prices, they might create bad publicity, which would hurt their brands. 当他们开始提价时,就可能造成负面宣传,损害其品牌。
- It is strictly forBidden to raise prices By deceptive means while adjusting the prices of cereals and oils. 这次粮油调价,坚决制止搭车涨价和变相涨价。
- The main reason is that real estate prices will be renovated to improve in order to raise prices, more profits. 主要原因是,房地产商将装修价格大幅提高,以提高房价,获得更多利润。
- Canadian tariffs enabled united states lumber companies to raise prices at home. 加拿大关税使美国木材公司能够提高在本国的价格。
- People of the same trade seldom meet together but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. 同行之商贾,平居漠然如路人。及其喁喁蝇聚,窃窃私议也,必密商损公肥私,囤积抬价之阴计。
- It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford's most attractive clientele. 大幅涨价让人感到羞耻,因为那样会赶跑年轻人,而他们是斯特拉福德最具吸引力的顾客。
- The government is likely to raise prices of gasoline soon, but there are concerns that the move will fuel inflation, which is already running high. 印度政府可能很快就会提高汽油价格,但是也有人担心,这样做会导致已经很高的通货膨胀率进一步攀升。
- It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford‘s most attractive clientele. 这个原因,当然是花费急速上升但票价仍然低。当然,原因是,花费高了,而票价仍然很低。
- In the boom, funds competed to raise prices, often charging annual fees of 2% or more of assets under management and upward of 20% of any gains. 在市场繁荣时期,基金争相提价,常常对管理的资产收取2%25甚至更高的年费,并对赚取的利润收取高达20%25的费用。
- The monopoly capitalists ganged up to raise cotton prices. 垄断资本家们串通一气抬高棉花价格。
- Even after an economic recovery which began in 2002, the lingering deflationary mindset has meant firms have struggled to raise prices or pay better wages. 虽然在2002年经济已开始有所回复,但是长时间持续的通货紧缩就意味着公司必须辛苦的提高价格或者支付更高的薪水。
- A device used to raise the nap on a fabric. 起毛机一种用于使纤维起绒毛装置
- Densmore: It’s a given that you’re just not able to raise prices unless you have a new and different product or unless you have a breakthrough attribute. 登斯莫尔:这是因为您只是无法提高价格,除非你有一个新的和不同的产品或除非你有一个突破性的属性。
- It is for this reason that we have to raise our price by5% to10%. 为此有必要将该产品价格提升5至10。
- I've been trying to raise this spare part everywhere. 我一直在到处寻找,想弄到这种备件。