- If you exceed your storage limit, you might be unable to receive new messages or might be charged additional fees. 如果超出存储限制,您可能无法接收新邮件,或者需要缴纳额外的费用。
- We're always happy to receive new artwork, and you can find out how to submit your own pieces to us here. 我们总是对收到新的艺术作品感到很高兴,您可以在这里找到如何提交您自己的作品给我们。
- Shipbuilding: China Ship-building Association laid out three major challenges in 2009: to deliver, to receive new orders, to finance. 造船:中国造船业联合会近日公布了2009年面临的三大挑战:分配、新增订单以及融资挑战。
- Dr.Jenner, in effect, by reprogramming his computer, erased the old way of looking at his smallpox problem and was free to receive new alternatives. 实际上,詹纳医生通过重新编制其计算机程序,消除了看待天花这一问题的旧方法,可以自由地接受新的选择。
- Subscribe to receive e-mail notifications when project tasks, documents, or issues change, or when you receive new status reports. 在项目任务、文档或问题发生更改,或者在接收到新的状态报告时,可以订阅接收电子邮件通知。
- When when the mankind the society is about to receive new chiliad to come, intellectual economy is going stealthily to us. 当人类社会即将迎接新的千年来临之时,知识经济正悄悄地向我们走来。
- Those applications process the transactions reliably over a period of time, while the main entry application continues to receive new business transactions. 这些执行后台处理的应用程序可靠地处理这些事务一段时间,同时主入口应用程序继续接收新的业务事务。
- Singapore and France AFP: Swiss bank survey shows that the global airline近三成financing conditions due to deterioration, there will probably be postponed to receive new aircraft. 新加坡法新电:瑞士银行调查显示,全球近三成的航空公司因融资条件恶化,很可能会推迟接收新飞机。
- It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters. 接到匿名信是一件令人不快的事。
- He is unworthy to receive such honor. 他不配得到这种荣誉。
- She is worthy to receive such honor. 她应该得到此荣誉。
- Though I have not participated much, it is always heartwarming to receiving news and mails from you all. 虽然我还没有参与太多聚会,但收到你的邮件,心中总是很高兴。
- The crowd cheered as Jim went up to receive his prize. 吉姆上台领奖时,群众发出了欢呼声。
- We trust to receive a cheque at your earliest convenience. 我们希望早日收到你的支票。
- To receive this new blueprint, one must ask for it. 要去接收到这个新蓝图,你必须召唤它。
- It's encouraging to receive a favourable report on one's work. 工作得到好评是令人鼓舞的。
- I have not received news from him up to date. 直到如今我还没有接到他的消息。
- Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment. 你所持的护照可使你享有免费医疗。
- Our bags were packed and we were all set to leave when we received new instructions from our Government. We unpacked and stayed. 我们打点完行装正准备出发,这时,接到了政府的新指示。我们又解开行装留下了。
- She did not feel equal to receiving visitors. 她身体不适,不想见客人。