- We have to reduce our expenditure by one-third. 我们不得不削减1/3的消费。
- We must be able to reduce our backlog of claims. 我们必须有能力处理积压下来的索赔单据。
- to reduce our restrictions 放进来
- We need to reduce our dependence on oil as a source of energy. 在能源方面,我们需减少对石油的依赖。
- What leads you to think that we have to reduce our price? 是什么使你想到我们公司必须降价呢?
- We need to reduce our dependenceon oil as a source of energy. 我们必须减少对石油能源的依赖。
- We have to reduce our expense, otherwise we will indebt. 我们得减少支出,否则就要负债了。
- I believe we need to reduce our nuclear weapons radically,not just slowly. 我认为我们必须尽快地而不只是慢慢地减少核武器,我们必须尽可能使世界摆脱核武器的危险。
- It's absolutely out of the question for us to reduce our price to your level. 我们不可能将价格降到你方所要求的那样低的水平。
- If your order is large enough we are ready to reduce our prices by 5%. 如果你方大定单,我们就准备把价格降低5%25。
- I believe we need to reduce our nuclear weapons radically, not just slowly. 我认为我们必须尽快地而不只是慢慢地减少核武器,我们必须尽可能使世界摆脱核武器的危险。
- We try to reduce our coverage at the same time as improving the monetization. 我们打算在增加收入的前提下减少广告的覆盖面。
- The right way to reduce our excess nuclear forces is in parallel with Russia. 减少我们过剩核力量的正确途径是与俄罗斯齐头并进。
- If we want energy security,then we have to reduce our appetite for fossil fuels. 我们要想获得能源安全,就必须减少对矿物燃料的欲求。
- We are also looking at the potential for developing waste-to-energy incineration so as to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel. 我们也会深入探讨可否使用废物焚化发电,从而减少依赖矿物燃料。
- The only way to do that is to reduce expenses. 做到这一点的唯一办法是减少开支。
- All right,we agree to reduce our price by 3% on condition that you guarantee to open the credit on time. 好吧,我们同意降价3%25,条件是你方保证按时开出信用证。
- What we have quote is really the lowest and,as such,we regret not in a position to reduce our price. 我方报盘确系最低价格,很抱歉难以降价。
- He is on a diet to reduce some weight. 他正在节食以减轻体重。
- What we have quoted is really the lowest and,as such,we regret being not in a position to reduce our price. 我方报盘确系最低价格,很抱歉难以降价。