- Adopting lever feed mode to shear cloth. 采用杠杆推进方式裁切布料。
- God temper the wind to shear lamb. 天无绝人之路。
- to shear sheep 剪羊毛
- I need a forfex to shear this article off from the newspaper. 我需要一把剪刀把这篇报纸文章剪下来。
- They discovered that they could shear sheep,take the wool,weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,. 他们发现他们能够剪羊毛、纺绒线、织成毛料,然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服。
- They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits, . 他们发现他们能够剪羊毛、纺绒线、织成毛料,然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服。
- They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,. 他们发现他们能够剪羊毛、纺绒线、织成毛料, 然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服。
- And it was told to Tamar, saying, Your father-in-law is now going up to Timnah to shear his sheep. 13有人告诉他玛说,你的公公上亭拿剪羊毛去了。
- When Laban had gone to shear his sheep, Rachel stole her father's household gods. 当时拉班剪羊毛去了,拉结偷了他父亲家中的神像。
- She found him sharpening the shears which would be used to shear the sheep. 她看到他正在磨用来修剪羊毛的大剪刀。
- Slitting knives are used to shear the fabric to a precise width. 横切刀被用来将布剪裁到精确的宽度。
- While David was in the desert, he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep. 4大卫在旷野听见说拿八剪羊毛。
- It need proper time span to shear stir before disperse enough in the solvent. 要有适当的剪切分散作用和时间,才能使有机土在溶剂中充分分散。
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
- The solution compresses to see the to shear, then convert the color. 解压缩视频剪辑,然后转换颜色。
- In levy taxes and in shearing sheep it is well to stop when you get down to the skin. 抽说与剪羊毛,都应以至肌肤裸露即为宜。
- Shrinkage plus a little too much pressure can cause a joint to shear. 用力收缩形成一个可以折断的节点。
- A handful of recently shorn sheep grazes on a hill at the Hopland Research and Extension Center. 在霍普兰德研究与推广中心里,几只刚剪了羊毛的绵羊正在一座小山上吃草。
- Mobley A handful of recently shorn sheep grazes on a hill at the Hopland Research and Extension Center. 一批最近已经修剪过羊毛的绵羊放牧吃草在一个山丘上,这是(Hopland)研究和发展中心。
- It's difficult to make sheep farming pay here. 养羊业在这里难有收益。