- To slacken the tempo would mean falling behind. 放松步伐就意味着落后。
- to slacken the moorings 松开系船缆
- We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourself. 人都是在原谅自己的那一分钟开始懈怠。
- We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourselves. 人都是在原谅自己的那一分钟开始懈怠.
- Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here. 不要偏离车道--这一带沼泽地多。
- Please slacken the tent rope before it rains. 下雨前,请将帐篷的绳索放松。
- They pitched camp on the moor for the night. 他们在高沼地搭帐篷过夜。
- In 1931 Stalin wrote: "To slacken the tempo would mean falling behind.And those who fall behind get beaten.But we do not want to be beaten. 在1931年史达林曾记述:“松散的节拍意味着落后,而那些落后的部分将会受到不断的打击,我们绝对不要被打败。
- The search party spread out over the moor. 搜索队在荒草地分散行动。
- Keep to the path parts of the moor are bog. 沿着这条小路走荒野上多处是沼泽地.
- He used to go for long walks on the moors. 他过去时常在荒野上长时间地散步。
- After hours of digging, we began to slacken up a little. 我们挖了数小时後,速度慢了下来。
- to slacken the influence of the autocratic system 减小专制制度的影响
- Better marry over the madden than over the moor. 陌生人中勿择妻。
- To slacken all those bonds which seemed too soon. 来解除那情结、繫的太早太急。
- It was a far fetch from Jane's house to the moor. 简的家离那片荒野地有相当长一段距离。
- Simon allowed his pace to slacken. 西蒙放慢了脚步。
- Our path skirted along the moor. 我们的小径沿松鸡猎场蜿蜒而上。
- Fix eyes on frolic wild fowls on the moor water. 定睛凝视水泊上嬉戏的野禽。
- A counter on the moor shaft locates the rider. 电机轴上有一个装有游码的计数器。