- to sleek shoes by rubbing 擦鞋使光亮
- I like to towel off by rubbing hard after a bath or swim. 我喜欢在洗澡或游泳之后用干毛巾使劲擦身子。
- To wear away or irritate by rubbing. 摩擦通过摩擦来磨薄或剌激
- It is very slow to make shoes by hand. 手工做鞋是很慢的。
- To warm by rubbing, as with the hands. 摩擦生热摩擦以生热,尤指用手摩擦
- I spied it in the pile of tennis shoes by the door. 我发现它就在门边的那堆网球鞋里。
- He warmed his hands by rubbing them without stop. 他不停地擦手使它们暖和起来了。
- It was smoothed down by rubbing with a burnisher. 它通过磨光器反复地擦变得光滑。
- You can scour dirty pans by rubbing them with scouring powder. 用去污粉可以把脏盘子擦净。
- He polished his shoes by spraying shoepolish on them. 他用鞋油擦亮了皮鞋。
- You can magnetize a needle by rubbing it with a magnet. 你用磁铁擦针能使它磁化。
- You can scour dirty pans by rubbing them with scouring powder . 用去污粉可以把脏盘子擦净。
- She is one of few women stars who are regarded as good two shoes by the public. 她是少数几位被公众认为无可挑剔的女明星之一。
- To make smooth or glossy by or as if by rubbing; polish. 擦亮通过摩擦或像通过摩擦使光滑或发亮;擦亮
- Peter is able to bend keys by rubbing them with his finger. 彼得用手指就能把钥匙弄弯。
- The presents are left under the Christmas tree or in shoes by the fireplace. 礼物放到圣诞树下面或者壁炉旁的鞋里。
- I can't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. 我总不能靠着磨擦两片木柴来取火吧。
- He pantomimed hunger by rubbing his belly and groaning. 他藉著磨擦肚子和呻吟做势表示饿了。
- Made shiny and smooth by or as if by rubbing or chemical action. 磨光的,擦亮的因为或仿佛因为磨擦或化学反应而变得光亮而平滑的
- To wear away(the edges of fabric, for example) by rubbing. 磨损通过磨耗而使(如织物的边缘)破损