- We smelled trouble ahead. The select committee was supposed to smell out corruption in law enforcement. 我们发现前面有麻烦。检查委员会发现在法律的强制执行中有腐败现象
- We smelled trouble ahead.The selectcommittee was supposed to smell out corruption in law enforcement. 我们发现前面有麻烦。
- The reporter began to smell a good story. 那记者意识到要有精彩的报道材料。
- This room is starting to smell like a compost heap. 这个房间开始有些(垃圾)臭味了。
- I'm taking some time to smell the flowers. 我正打算轻松一下。
- I love to smell the fragrance of jasmine flowers. 我最喜欢闻茉莉花的香味儿。
- I'm beginning to smell a rat here. 我开始对这儿的某个人产生了怀疑。
- The leftover food began to smell bad. 剩饭开始发臭了。
- The police used dogs to smell out the criminals. 警察用狗嗅出罪犯的踪迹。
- I bent down to smell the flowers. 我弯下腰闻花香。
- Wish that it is detailed to smell it. 愿闻其详。
- He can't stop to smell the flowers too. 也不能闻闻花香
- This room's starting to smell like a compost heap. 这个房间开始有些(垃圾)臭味了.
- Use the long feelers on your head to smell flowers. 你用头上的长触须去嗅花朵。
- His accounts seemed to me to smell of truth. 我看他的叙述象是真实的。
- Give the donkey the flowers to smell, it ate them. 递给蠢驴鲜花嗅,它会吞下去。
- to smell trouble 察觉麻烦
- You must take time to smell the roses. 你一定要花时间去闻玫瑰的香味。
- The apple is rotten and beginning to smell. 那苹果已经烂了而且开始发臭。
- Nose/ Breathe &Breathe. To smell the smell. 鼻子;吸吸呼呼;闻清楚味道.