- to sniff the air 吸入空气
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。
- Ask the child to sniff after you instill the drops. 你滴入药物后让小儿把药物吸入鼻内。
- Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up. 空中楼阁,要有一大笔费用来维持。
- The air hostess asked everyone to belt up. 空中小姐要大家扣好安全带。
- It's his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。
- The police use dogs to sniff for bombs. 警察用狗寻炸弹。
- The male sniffs the air and catches sight of Ralph, Jr. 公狮子鼻子往空中一嗅,看到了小拉尔夫。
- It's their job to sniff out abuses of power. 他们的工作是对滥用职权的情况进行调查了解。
- Sam sniffed the air and his forehead furrowed in thought. 萨姆闻了闻,皱起眉头想着。
- The child's cold caused him to sniff . 孩子患感冒引起呼吸急促。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal. 用公车载送旅客前往航空站。
- The air hostess asked everyone to belt himself in. 空中小姐要求大家扣好安全带。
- They held a meeting to clear the air. 他们召开了一次会议来消除误解。
- A frank discussion can help to clear the air. 坦率的谈论有助于消除疑虑。
- The air seemed to pulsate with the bright light. 空气似乎随着亮光而颤动。
- It is his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。
- The child's cold caused him to sniff. 孩子患感冒引起呼吸急促。