- Sheppard: It's beginning to sound like a plan. 这听起来开始像个计划了。
- The American writer knew how to sound like a common man. 美国作家是知道怎样以普通人的口吻来说话的。
- Chickens were beginning to sound like the ideal pet these days. 这年头,小鸡开始显得像人们理想的宠物了。
- John: Hey, you're really beginning to sound like an Aussie! 嘿,你现在已经开始越来越象个澳洲人了。
- Scuzz: Woo! Mikey, you're starting to sound like a teacher. 斯谷兹:迈克,你有点像老师了。
- Chickens were beginning to sound like the ideal pet. 这年头,鸡正开始显得像人们理想的崇物了。
- I don't want to sound like a busybody,but didn't you plan to go abroad? 我并不想瞎打听,可你原来不是打算出国吗?
- This is our studio. -Yeah. -Don't want to sound like "Cribs", but this is... 这是我们的制作室。-是的。-不想听起来像“婴儿床”,但这是...
- I don’t want to sound like a busybody, but didn’t you plan to go abroad? 我并不想瞎打听,可妳原来不是打算出国吗?
- I don't want to sound like a busybody, but didn't you plan to go abroad? 我并不想瞎打听,可你原来不是打算出国吗?
- "I'm doing well now and I don't want to sound like I'm crying,but the whole middle class is in a squeeze," he says. 他说,“我现在的境遇不错,我不要听起来好像诉苦,可是整个中产阶级都受到经济压力。”
- International meetings began to sound like a pledge banquet with a pass-around microphone. 国际会议开始象在宴会上传送麦克风举杯祝酒那样发出了声音。
- If you really want to sound like a native-speaker, I'm afraid you can't do without phrasal verbs! 你真的想讲得像个以英语为母语的人,恐怕不能不用片语动词了!
- What you have to sound like is you. This is Mr. Duncan in England saying bye for now. 你所需要的发音就是你自己的发音.;这里是英国邓肯先生;是时候说再见了
- The speaker changes your voice with a filter to sound like the growling dragon speaks. 喇叭可以改变您的声音就像像咆哮龙在讲话。
- However, I don't want to sound like some elderly curmudgeon, longing for the “good old days”. 但是,我不想让大家听上去像一个喋喋不休的老头,老说当年如何如何。
- This doesn’t mean that everyone should try to sound like a professional actor or broadcaster. 但这并不是说每个人说起话来要像专业演员或播音员那样标准。
- If you're good, the whirring of the belt starts to sound like a babbling brook or the wind though the trees. 如果你做的足够棒,皮带转动的声音听起来就像风吹过树梢或是小溪流水的声音。
- Harrison Ford is looking a bit old, and is it just me or is Ford starting to sound like Clint Eastwood? 仅对我个人而言,哈里森福特有点老了或许是因为福特的声音开始像克林特-伊斯特伍德了?
- The thought of living in a cave somewhere or meditating for days on end starts to sound like a good idea. 那种在某个洞里生活或是连续几天进行冥想的想法开始变得对你味口。