- After drinking some milk,I just wanted to spew. 而我老是伸手拿薯条喝着大杯可乐并为之乐此不疲。
- to spew blood 吐血
- In the end he will want to spew you out as the abominable thing. 于是打击之来,便十倍难受了。
- Thick grey smoke ,ash and lava continue to spew from the volcano which has been rumbling for weeks . 浓密的烟雾,灰烬和火山岩不断的从火山喷出,这种情况已有几周了。
- As the Valentine's Day is coming, industry gears up to spew out roses, cards and confectionery. 随着情人节的到来,商家挟着铺天盖地的鲜花、情人卡片和糖果来势汹汹。
- As the Valentine's Day is coming,industry gears up to spew out roses,cards and confectionery. 随着情人节的到来,商家挟着铺天盖地的鲜花、情人卡片和糖果来势汹汹。
- Rev.3:16 So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spew you out of My mouth. 启三16你既如温水,也不热也不冷,我就要从我口中把你吐出去。
- So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spew you out of My mouth. 你既如温水,也不热也不冷,我就要从我口中把你吐出去。
- The explosion started early Monday morning following a series of earthquakes and continues to spew Thursday. 这场爆发开始于先前星期一早上的一系列地震,喷发持续到星期四。
- His cruelty to his children makes my blood boil. 他残酷地对待孩子,使我非常愤怒。
- Passed a little while, the sound that comes out suddenly in broadcast lets our laugh so hard as to spew one's food. 过了一会儿,广播中忽然传出的声音让我们喷饭。你猜是什么?
- Thick grey smoke, ash and lava continue to spew from the volcano which has been rumbling for weeks, 14,000 people live within five miles of the volcano. 轰鸣数周的默拉皮火山喷发出滚滚浓烟,火山灰以及岩浆,火山方圆5英里内居住着1.;4万人。
- On personal computers, many of the worst culprits spread via e-mail or force infected machines to spew spam onto the Internet. 个人电脑上最糟的犯罪事件,大多是散播电子邮件,或是强迫中毒的电脑发送垃圾信件到网际网路。
- Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl. 当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。
- He does not want to be an expressionist painter and find ways to spew his personal emotions out from the depths of his heart. 他不想做表现主义画家,要怎样地把个人情感从心底喷出。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Factional squabblings were glossed over for as long as the Soviet Union existed, and economic growth allowed the LDP machine to spew favours about. 在苏联解体前的时期,日本经济的高速发展掩盖了党内派系间的争斗,并使这一体系饱受赞誉。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- The Fire Ship is a Byzantine Dromon modified to carry a medieval version of the flame thrower used to spew out Greek Fire at unfortunate foes. 喷火战舰是德罗蒙战舰的改进型号,配备中世纪喷火装置以向敌军喷射著名的希腊火。