- to stagger office hours 错开办公时间
- They planned to stagger our rehearsing hours. 他们打算错开我们的排演时间。
- Office hours vary from company to company and country to country. 因公司、国家不同,办公时间也有所不同。
- The office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 办公时间从上午8点到下午5点。
- The stated office hours are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 规定办公时间是上午八时至下午六时。
- Grandma managed to stagger upstairs. 奶奶好不容易地摇摇晃晃地上了楼。
- I mustn't take up your time in office hours. 在上班时侯,我不能占你的时间了。
- His resolution had begun to stagger. 他的意志开始动摇了。
- Please call me during my office hours. 请在我办公时间打电话给我。
- I managed to stagger the last few steps. 我好不容易跌跌撞撞走了这最后几步。
- Office hours are from 9 am to 5 pm. 办公时间从上午9点到下午5点.
- We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next. 我们仿佛在接连不断的危机中举步维艰。
- Office hours are from eight a. M. To five p. M. 办公时间是上午八点至下午五点。
- The task is one to stagger the imagination. 这个任务的艰巨是难于想象的。
- To stagger the interfaces of tape and plate. 胶带的介面应与版材的介面错开.
- stagger office hours 错开办公时间
- Sure enough his resolution began to stagger. 果然他的决心开始动摇了。
- The manager can be reached at home out of office hour. 工作时间外,可以打电话到经理家中。
- My office hours are 8:30 to noon. 我的办公时间是8点半到中午12点。
- The office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m . 办公时间从上午8点到下午5点。