- She often suffers from headaches. 她常常头痛。
- Old people tend to suffer from diabetes. 老人易患糖尿病。
- This area used to suffer from floods. 这一地区过去常遭水灾。
- But why do I have to suffer from such pain? 但为什么我不得不忍受这样的痛苦?
- To suffer from or experience cramps. 由于痉挛而受痛;遭受痉挛
- They have to suffer from lining up in the airport. 他们在机场必须忍受排队之苦。
- My mother often suffers from headaches. 我的母亲经常头痛。
- I'm beginning to suffer from rheumatism, and at times I feel like a right old crock. 我开始患风湿病了,常感觉似乎真象一名老朽了。
- Women who suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome) may have worse symptoms, from headaches to depression, while they're dieting. 节食期间,患有经前症候群的女人可能会因而有一些更糟的症状,从头痛到沮丧都是。
- The human have to suffer from dust devil because of hackling. 人类乱砍滥伐,终于酿成了沙尘暴这杯苦酒!
- Do you often suffer from headache? 你常头疼吗?
- He suffered from headaches, insomnia and loss of appetite. 他患头痛、失眠和食欲不振。
- He ofen suffer from headache these days. 这些天他常遭受头痛的困扰。
- I used to be very weak and often suffered from headaches. 我过去身体不好,经常头痛。
- He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. 怕吃苦头的反因怕而吃苦头。
- Some may suffer from headaches, depression or anxiety, sensory nerve endings disease, reactive mental disorders and other symptoms. 3 / 4 splenomegaly may occur. 有的病人会出现头痛、抑郁或焦虑、感觉神经末梢病变、反应性精神紊乱等症状。3/4的人可出现脾肿大。
- to suffer from headaches 头痛
- This drug gives rapidrelief to sufferers from gout. 这药封痛风患者的止痛效果神速。
- We are fated to suffer from many failures in our quest for truth. 在追求真理的过程中,我们注定要遭受失败的痛苦。
- Gloomy people are likely to suffer from nervous breakdown. (有关情绪)忧郁的人容易患精神崩溃。