- She hates him to the point of not talking to him. 她讨厌他到不和他讲话的程度。
- They argued to the point of fighting with each other. 他们争吵到打架的程度。
- The two countries were on the point of war due to the diplomatic disputes. 这两个国家因为外交争端即将开战。
- Please stay with me a moment longer I'm getting to the point of the story. 请再听我往下说--我这就说到关键内容了。
- It may also come to the point of virtual dormancy. 它也可以达到实际上的潜伏状态。
- His manner was abrupt to the point of rudeness. 他的态度无理到了粗暴的程度。
- He was blunt, at times to the point of rudeness. 他有时坦白到粗鲁的程度。
- The queen was adored to the point of idolatry. 女王被崇敬得快成偶像了。
- To regret one's errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. 对自己的错误后悔到不致重犯的程度是真正的后悔。
- She was critical to the point of rudeness. 她挑剔得近乎无礼。
- He was rude to the point of being aggressive. 他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的地步。
- Claudia ran to the point of exhaustion. 克劳迪姬精疲力尽地跑到终点。
- He is modest to the point of ridicule. 他谦逊到可笑的地步。
- They began to swell to the point of absurdity. 他们开始扩增到近似荒唐的地步。
- He was vain and touchy to the point of hysteria. 他十分虚荣、神经过敏,几乎到了歇斯底里的程度。
- He was honest to the point of bluntness. 他诚实到直率的程度。
- The queen was adored to the point of idolatry . 女王被崇敬得快成偶像了。
- Duncan: Joy overwhelms me to the point of tears. 我几乎要喜极而泣了。
- To the point of losing objectivity. 几乎是要失去客观性那般。
- She worked to the point of exhaustion. 她工作到了精疲力竭的地步。