- to torture into confession 拷问,逼供
- They submit the prisoner to torture. 他们给这个囚犯动了刑。
- The suspect was flogged into confession. 嫌疑犯被鞭打而承认。
- To torture or afflict as if by broiling. 折磨象烤东西一样地折磨或让人受苦
- To subject(a person or an animal)to torture. 拷打将(人或动物)置于酷刑之下
- It was wicked of you to torture the poor cat. 折磨这只可怜的猫你真恶心。
- To torture by means of the rack. 用刑具折磨常用词组。
- She was repeatedly subjected to torture. 她不断地受到折磨.
- I am to torture you if you don't do it. 考夫曼博士:如果你不说我就要折磨你。
- They submit the prisoner to torture . 他们给这个囚犯动了刑。
- Why do you delight to torture her? 为什麽你喜欢折磨她?
- To subject(a person or an animal) to torture. 拷打将(人或动物)置于酷刑之下
- The interrogators put the prisoner to torture. 审问者使囚犯们受到折磨
- No one has the right to hurt you or to torture you. 没有人有权利伤害你或对你施以酷刑。
- He was flogged into confessing [confession]. 他被鞭打而承认。
- He had lied and lied, but each lie had come back to torture him. 他曾一再说谎,可是每一次说谎都自食苦果。
- torture into confessing 在受刑后被迫招供
- Tempus: No, I want to torture her, sent her into spasms of sheer terror. 我只想折磨她,让她陷入极度的恐惧中。
- Jimmy Vaughn (Cole Hauser) is hired by a mysterious and unseen crimelord named Ziggy, to torture a confession out of his accountant(Laurence Fishburne). 该犯罪集团最近气焰嚣张,其首脑基凯的身份更是神秘莫测。
- They were to allow the Palace Guards to torture them, and only then were they to confess that they had been sent by the Satrap. 倘若被擒,起初不供,等到给鞑子拷打得死去活来之后,才供出是受了平西王的指使,前来行刺皇帝。