- Unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise. 反时针方向旋转拧松阀盖。
- to unscrew the bonnet 旋转拧松阀盖
- Unscrew the four bolts to separate the body from the bonnet and control group. 拧松四个螺栓,从阀帽和控制组建之间分开阀体。
- You'll have to unscrew the handles to paint the door. 要漆这扇门,你得把门把手上的螺丝拧开拿下来才行。
- Dry off the nib/feed/section and try to unscrew the nib again. 鹈鹕的优点是笔尖可以旋下,但一旦鹈鹕的笔尖被墨水粘死,将成为它最大的缺点,因为将来假使笔尖坏掉,将无法更换笔尖,这枝笔也就死了。
- You may have to unscrew the gear (3 screws)to access the right hand latch, but I am not sure of that. 也许你需要松开齿轮(3颗螺丝)来卸下右手边的卡子;不过我不是很确定.
- Regarding the locks, I found out if we turn the water on there is enough friction to unscrew the lock. 关于这些水闸,我发现如果我们打开水,会有足够的摩擦力旋开水闸。
- Use a suitable spanner to unscrew the wheel bolt (2) and remove the securing washer.Pull the wheel of its shaft. 用合适的扳手拧松车轮的螺栓(2),取下安全垫圈,将轮子从轴上卸下来。
- A man dining alone was trying to unscrew the cap of a bottle of catsup but his fingers were so badly crippled by arthritis that he couldn't do it. 译:一个独自用餐的人正试图打开番茄酱的瓶盖,但他的手指因关节炎而留下严重残疾,拧不开瓶盖。
- To refill the stove with fuel, one would simply have to unscrew the foot, in line with the control knob, and then either pour (if liquid) or screw in (if gas) the raw fuel. 为了填充燃料的炉子,一个只会有拔螺丝脚,符合控制旋钮,然后倒入(如液体)或螺钉(如天然气)的原燃料。
- I've splayed the bonnet, but the marks and scratches show through the paint. 我已把引擎盖喷了漆,但一些印痕透过油漆仍隐约可见。
- Could you straighten out the bonnet? 你能不能修好这个罩子?
- The bonnet was swayed on her head. 那顶小圆软帽歪戴在她的头上。
- I've sprayed the bonnet, but the marks and scratches show through the paint. 我已经将汽车罩喷过漆了,但透过油漆还依稀可见斑斑点点的痕迹。
- The officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils. 那位官员拧开了瓶盖,把瓶子凑近鼻孔。
- Can you straighten out the bonnet ? 你能不能修好这个罩子?
- I can't unscrew the lid of this jar. 这个瓶盖儿我拧不开。
- Can you straighten out the bonnet? 你能不能修好这个罩子?
- I can't unscrew the top of this bottle. 我拧不下这瓶的盖子。