- The speaker had to bow before a storm of abuse from the audience. 那位演讲者在观众严厉的斥责面前吸得屈服。
- to bow before a king 向国王鞠躬致敬
- to bow before a king 向国王鞠躬致敬
- He is not a man to bow before difficulties. 他不是那种在困难面前低头的人。
- He is not one to bow before difficulties. 他不是一个向困难低头的人。
- The speaker had to bow before a storm of abuse from the audience 那位演讲者在观众严厉的斥责面前吸得屈服。
- They pledged themselves not to bow before difficulties. 他们保证绝不向困难低头。
- As a welfare client I'm expected to bow before the caseworker. 作为一名福利救济者,我只好在社会工作者面前卑躬屈膝。
- He placed his hat on a pole in the marketplace and ordered the Altorfers to bow before it whenever they passed. 他把自己的帽子放在市场上立着的一根杆子上,命令阿尔托夫人,每逢走过这个地方时,都要向帽子鞠躬。
- There was such an outcry when the Government put forward its proposals that it was forced to bow before the storm and withdraw them. 政府提出的方案竟遭到如此强烈的反对,政府只好让步,撤回方案。
- We do not allow ourselves time to bow before Him, and so some under the deep impression of His incomprehensible majesty and glory. 我们没有花时间,俯伏在他面前,在他的无可比拟的威严和尊荣之下接受感动。
- One who is called on to testify before a court. 证人被传到法庭上作证的人
- I see you know how to bow before me. Good. Now prove your worth to me, and slay my enemies. 看来你懂得向我屈服。很好。现在你要向我证明自己的价值,去,消灭我的敌人。
- The bullfighter was gored to death before a large crowd. 斗牛士在众多的人群面前被牛触死。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- I'm not going to bow down to such wrong opinions. 我不打算听从这种错误的意见。
- That painting must be worth a king's ransom. 那幅画一定价值连城。
- He is fabled to be the national son of a king. 他编造自己是国王的亲生儿子。
- I always do a few easy exercises to limber up before a match. 我在比赛前总要做些简单的准备活动。
- She discarded a four, and picked up a king. 她打出一张四点的牌,抓起一张K。