- tobacco leaves grading 烟叶分级
- tobacco leaf grading 烟叶分级
- The tobacco leaf covering a cigar. 卷雪茄的烟草叶
- By testing the tar and smoking nicotine of tobacco leaves of flue-cured tobacco 40 grading standard, a set of complete analytical data have been got. 通过对烤烟(40级)各等级烟叶焦油含量和烟气烟碱的测定,取得了一套较为完整的分析数据。
- The results show that the equalization moisture content of tobacco leaves depends on temperature, relative humidity, type and grade of the tobacco. 研究结果表明,烟叶的平衡含水量取决于环境温度、相对湿度及烟叶类型和等级等;
- A compact roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking. 雪茄吸烟用的紧密的烟叶卷
- Tobacco leaves processed into the form of a rope or roll. 烟草卷:加工成绳状或卷状的烟叶。
- In compansion with monocropping, intercropping enhanced percentage of mid-high grade leaves of flue-cured tobacco and decreased lower grade tobacco leaf. 在不减产的同时提高了中上等烟的比例,显著减少下等烟比例,提高了烟叶产值,增加了经济收入;
- The natural colour of the tobacco leaf, gloss, there are moistener. 烟丝色泽板滞,光华量好,有油润感。
- Tobacco leaf leavening is a complex biochemistry process. 摘要烟叶发酵是一复杂的生化过程。
- The models built were put into practice and the result indicated that they have stable effectiveness in grading and grouping for tobacco leaves of different years and different fields. 本文对构造的模型进行了实际应用,应用结果表明该数学模型对不同年份、不同产地烟叶分组分级效果稳定。
- Like other harpins, harpin Xoo eli cits a typical HR in tobacco leaves. 因此 ,我们把该蛋白定名为 harpin Xoo。
- Xingshan tobacco leaves had rich aroma quality and good sensory evaluation. 烟叶香气质和感官质量较好。
- Yet, the smell of a YAHOO continuing very offensive, I always keep my nose well stopped with rue lavender, or tobacco leaves. 可是“野猢”的气味还是很难闻,我总是用芸香、熏衣草或烟草紧紧捂住鼻子。
- OBJECTIVE To provide a new extract procedure of solanesol from abandoned tobacco leaves. 目的开发从废烟叶中提取纯化茄尼醇的新工艺。
- Induced accumulation of the acidic pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs) in tobacco leaves by ningnanmycin was studied. 摘要研究了宁南黴素对烟草酸性病程相关蛋白的诱导表达。
- CONCLUSION A new, simple extract procedure of solanesol from abandoned tobacco leaves was established. 结论建立了简便的从废烟叶中提取茄尼醇的新工艺。
- Solanesol was extracted in the waste tobacco leaves by dynamic saponification method of ethanol and solvent naphtha. 建立了以废次烟叶粗提物为原料,采用乙醇和溶剂油动态皂化方法萃取茄尼醇的工艺。
- The manufacture process of solanesol from tobacco leaves comprises of extraction and purification. 茄尼醇的生产包括浸膏制备、精制两个基本过程。