- Objective To investigate influence of tobradex eyedrops for treatment ocular inflammation after ultrasonic phacoemulsification. 目的观察典必殊滴眼液对晶状体超声乳化术后眼内炎症治疗效果。
- tobradex eyedrops 典必殊滴眼液
- Always wash the hands before using eyedrops. 每次用药之前,一定要洗手。
- Is the eye dry with what eyedrop best? 眼睛干涩用什么眼药水最好?
- What eyedrop can treat pseudomyopia better? 哪些眼药水能更好地治疗假性近视?
- Does eyeball of dot eyedrop cross-eye have profit? 点眼药水对眼睛有没有好处?
- What side effect does long-term drop eyedrop have? 长期的滴眼药水有什么副作用啊?
- Use these eyedrops to relieve your dry eyes. 用眼药水来舒缓你的乾涩眼睛.
- Can be pseudomyopia treated with eyedrop? 假性近视可以用眼药水治吗?
- It is OK to take concealed glasses drop eyedrop? ? 带隐型眼镜可以滴眼药水吗??
- To treat it, "Don't use eyedrops," says Dr. 佩戴至少90%25防紫外线镀膜太阳镜并且用上侧面遮挡(或者临时带子)。
- Have you used the eyedrops six times already? 医生:您上够6次眼药水了吗?
- Ethylparaben is a good antiseptic in fluorescein sodium eyedrop. 羟苯乙酯在荧光素钠滴眼剂中的防腐良好。
- Can the eyedrop that the dot expires affect vision? ? ? 点过期的眼药水会不会影响视力???
- With what eyedrop does deepness myopia adjust, loosen safety? 深度近视用什么眼药水调节、放松安全?
- The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment. 药剂师会给您眼药水和眼药膏。
- "Rui Zhu " eyedrops are artifcial and more close to natural tears. 瑞珠滴眼液是一种人工泪液;比较接近自然.
- Combined use of fluorometholone 0.1% eyedrops is more effective. 与0.;1%25氟米龙滴眼液联合应用则抗炎疗效更佳。
- The eyedrop that what brand uses can restore a few vision? 用什么牌子的眼药水可以恢复一些视力?
- Conclusion: KTP laser with silicon or TobraDex ointmentare safe and effective therapy in nasola... 结论:KTP激光联合不同方法治疗鼻泪管阻塞是一种安全有效值得推广的好方法。