- toilet articles counter 化妆品柜台
- Combs and brushes are toilet articles. 梳子和刷子都是梳妆用具。
- My spare clothing and toilet articles. 我的换洗衣服和化妆品。
- This is your bedside table for such things as toilet articles. 这是床头柜,您可以放洗漱用具等。
- It contains 3 suits, one camera, and some toilet articles for daily use. 包括三套衣服、一部相机和一些日常用品。
- Wait to be able to be put on mesa or clapboard as to toilet articles and toothpaste, toilet soap, go to the lavatory already use, also save a space. 此外,在餐厅靠墙处设计落地餐具柜,除了改善用餐气氛,收纳餐具之外,也能够弥补厨房空间的不足。
- It was with difficulty that Toussaint had obtained permission to pack up a little linen and clothes and a few toilet articles. 杜桑费了大劲才得到许可,包了几件换洗衣服、裙袍和梳妆用具。
- She moved the chairs about,she disarranged the toilet articles which stood on the commode, she handled Marius' clothes, she rummaged about to see what therewas in the corners. 她搬动椅子,她移乱那些放在抽斗柜上的盥洗用具,她摸摸马吕斯的衣服,她翻看每个角落里的零星东西。
- She moved the chairs about,she disarranged the toilet articles which stood on the commode,she handled Marius' clothes, she rummaged about to see what therewas in the corners. 她搬动椅子,她移乱那些放在抽斗柜上的盥洗用具,她摸摸马吕斯的衣服,她翻看每个角落里的零星东西。
- Finn and others were loaded down with rifles, grenades, extra clips, BARs, tripods, mortar bases and tubes, gas masks, toilet articles, helmets, life jackets, and more. 芬恩和战友们被装载上步枪、手榴弹、特别弹夹、自动枪、机枪支架、迫击炮底座、炮筒、防毒面具、盥洗用品、钢盔、救生衣,以及这那那这。
- At these words he rose, and put off his frock-coat and cravat, went towards a table on which lay his son's toilet articles, lathered his face, took a razor, and, with a firm hand, cut off the compromising whiskers. 他微笑了一下又说,“因此他就要改变他的相貌和穿着了,说着他走到放梳妆品的桌子前面,在脸上擦了一些肥皂,拿起一把剃刀,用一只结实的手刮掉那险些给他添麻烦的胡子,因为它们是给警务部留下了非常明显的印象。
- a kit for carrying toilet articles while traveling. 旅行时放盥洗物品的工具包。
- toilet articles,eg soap,toothpaste,shaving-cream 梳妆用品(如肥皂,牙膏,刮胡膏)
- There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter. 柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。
- current outstanding toilet articles 当今杰出的盥洗用品
- He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上。
- Can the goods be refunded at your counter? 你们柜台的商品可以退吗?
- We should not act counter to our promise. 我们不应违背自己的诺言。
- I must buy some toilet requisites. 我必须买些卫生间必需品。
- He tipped the money in his pocket onto the counter. 他把口袋里的钱倾倒在柜台上。