- told your beadsv. 祷告
- tell your beadsvi. 祷告
- I advise you to tell your father what happened and face the music. 我建议他把发生的事情告诉你父亲。并且勇敢地面对事实。
- Tell your mother you have arrived here without mishap. 告诉你母亲你已经平平安安到达这里。
- This is something not worth bothering your bead about. 这是一件不值得你费脑筋的事。
- Have you told your mother of your plan? 你告诉过你妈妈你的打算吗?
- If you want to tell your story, we're all ears. 你想讲故事的话,我们会全神贯注地听的
- Tell your uncle to come here at three p.m. 请告诉你伯父下午三点到这儿来。
- Behind a wall or a hedge do not tell your secret. 隔墙有耳。
- Have you told your kids the facts of life? 你给你的孩子进行过性方面的基础知识教育吗?
- For more flavorful espresso and coffee, use a coffee grinder to grind your beads fresh. 想要烹制出更加香浓的蒸馏咖啡或是普通咖啡,可以使用咖啡机,绝对滴滴香浓。
- Have you told your son about the birds and bees? 你给你儿子讲过有关性的基础知识了吗?
- People who tell your future are frauds. 为你占卜未来的人都是骗子。
- I'll tell your parents that you're as fit as flea. 我要告诉你父母。
- Have you told your mother of your intentions? 你把你的打算告诉你的母亲了吗?
- If you want to tell your story,we're all ears. 你想讲故事的话,我们会全神贯注地听的。
- Do not bother me or I'll tell your mother. 不要打扰我,否则我就告诉你妈。
- To go away without telling your father is most irregular. 不跟你父亲打个招呼就走是非常不合适的。
- Do not you bother me or I'll tell your mother. 不要打扰我,否则我就告诉你妈。
- Don't you bother me or I'll tell your mother. 不要打扰我,否则我就告诉你妈。