- Tolerance to alcohol decreases with age. 酒量随年龄的增大而减少。
- God is more tolerance to man than we are. 神常常比我们更宽容人。
- The body builds up a tolerance to these chemicals. 身体形成对这些化学药品的依赖。
- Stern says Clinton favors a balanced approach to climate change. 说C赞同对气候变化采取平稳的应对措施。
- Armiger found differential tolerance to Al among soybean varieties. 阿尔米格尔发现大豆各品种对铝有不同的耐性。
- tolerance to climate 气候耐受性
- Physiological tolerance to a drug resulting from repeated use. 适应性由于长期使用某种药物而产生的对该药的生理上的耐药性
- The seating is machined to a G7 tolerance to provide a loose fit. 底座加工到符合G7公差,以提供松配合。
- From tolerance to revolt,Beatrice realizes her self-salvation. 她对于父亲的暴行从隐忍到反抗的过程,也是其实现自我救赎的过程。
- This requires different treatments according to climate, latitude, and season. 这要根据不同地区气候、纬度、季节,区别对待。
- It's more tolerable to be refused than deceived. 被拒绝总比被欺骗好。
- The suiting that snowshoe hare changes to climate capability is very strong. 雪鞋兔对气候变化的适应能力很强。
- Be strict to yourself, be tolerant to others. 严以律已,宽以待人。
- Why is there less focus on adapting to climate change versus mitigating it? 为什么对比减缓气候变化这一观点,适应气候变化获得的关注较少呢?
- Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. 许多老人耐寒能力很有限。
- Turn the volume down, please.My tolerance to noise is limited. 请把音量关小;我对嗓音 的忍耐力是有限的.
- This table shows the tolerance to salt of different crops. 这个表格列出了各种作物的耐盐性。
- Sullivans Cove Apartments has a zero tolerance to excessive noise. 1.;自助取消,请在取消前仔细查看订单取消政策,并点击订单上的取消链接自助取消;
- Many people have a limited tolerance to harsh temperature. 很多人对恶劣温度的忍耐是有限度的。
- Additionally, the response to climate change in highland areas is more sensitive than that in the lowland areas. 高海拔地区比低海拔地区对全球气候变化反应更敏感。