- Jinhua Dialect tone sandhi is complicated. 金华方言的连读变调很复杂。
- Chen Matthew Y (2000): Tone Sandhi, Cambridge University Press. 蒋绍愚(1994):《近代汉语研究概况》,北京大学出版社,北京。
- Yangping and Shang tone's tone sandhi can be considered the same. 阳平和上声的声调变化却几乎一样。
- The syntactic environments of tone sandhi in Taiwanese, Chapter one. 台湾方言连读变调的句法环境,第一章。
- Tone sandhi of prefix in She language has been seldom discussed in the past. 博罗畲语前缀可根据后一个音节声调的高低升降出现固定的变调。
- Tone sandhi is considered as a common phonetic phenomena in Chinese dialect. 连读变调是汉语方言中一种普遍的语音现象。
- This paper introduce the rule of the dissyllabic tone sandhi in Ningyuan Pinghua and several specilial tone changes. 摘要本文介绍宁远平话的两字组连读变调规律和几个特殊的音变现象。
- Only the Qu tone in Longchuan Sidu dialect compounds of two characters does not exhibit tone sandhi. 龙川四都话在两字词组中只有去声不变。
- Xinfeng dialect's Ru tone does not change, though in Sidu dialect despite the tone sandhi, it only has one Ru tone. 新丰的入声不变,但四都却在变调时“还原”了一个入声。
- There is only one Ru tone, though during tone sandhi, a sandhi tone 3 is produced. 入声只有一个,但在变调时会产生一个变调3。
- Finally,tone sandhi and tone patterns for three-syllabic word are discuss ed based on the experiment. 文章最后根据实验简述了三字词的变调规律和声调模式。
- Later, assimilation, geminate word and tone sandhi are studied at the word tier. 此后,我们研究了词层的同化错误、叠音词和连读变调。
- He has been studying phonology, and for years he is devoted to the research on tone sandhi. 他长期从事音系学研究,近十几年来一直致力于连读变调的分析研究。
- The tone sandhi of prefix in She language as we investigated in Boluo is introduced in this paper. 本文对这一现象作详细的介绍和分析。
- However, in Beijing dialect, this tone sandhi, which often takes place in less solemn language environment, involves only a small number of reduplicated adjecfives. 这种变调源于北京话,但是北京话里也只有少数叠音形容词变调,而且这一部分可变调的词在庄重的语境里也不应变调。
- In modern chinese phonetics, tone sandhi of reduplicated adjectives, which is due to the influence of Beijing dialect, is often taught as an important sound change pattern. 摘要在现代汉语语音教学中,叠音形容词变调常作为一条重要的音变规律提出。
- Other tones when exhibiting tone sandhi does not produce new tone contours. 其馀声调的变调都不会产生新的调值。
- In teaching putonghua, the tone sandhi, which doesn't reflect the reality of modern spoken chinese, should be done away with. 对于一条不反映现代汉语口语实际的音变规则,应在普通话教学和训练中予以剔除。
- Phonological tone change, the commonly mentioned tone sandhi, is tone change produced by the phonological interaction among syllables, like [... 语音变调,即一般所谓的连读变调,是因音节之间的语音关系而产生的变调,如北京话”上声+上声”时前字的变调。
- This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi in disyllabic sequence in Huangxian County Dialect. 本文试对黄县方言的二字组连读变调进行试验和音系分析。