- took no count ofv. 很不重视
- take no count ofvt. 很不重视
- taken no count ofv. 很重视
- Let's begin to take count of the votes. 我们开始计算投票数吧。
- Take no notice of his threats they're sheer bravado. 别理会他的威胁--完全是虚张声势。
- He kept count of the meteors till midnight. 他数流星一直数到半夜。
- Take no notice of him you know what a show-off he is. 别理睬他--你知道他多喜欢卖弄。
- She took no pleasure in her work. 她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。
- I never take any count of what people say about me. 我从不计较别人说我什么。
- Take no thought for your future needs. 不必为将来的需要而操心。
- They,however,took no note of the events on Friday. 但他们没有注意星期五发生的这些事。
- You seem to be losing count of days. It's Monday today. 你好像连日子也搞不清了。今天是星期一。
- I warned him,but he took no notice of it. 我警告过他,但他置若罔闻。
- The Indians cut notches on a stick to keep count of numbers. 印第安人在棒上刻V形凹痕用来计数。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- They took no notice of what he said. 他们没注意他说了什么。
- Has he been trying it on again? I hope you took no notice. 他是不是又在耍花招?我希望你没搭理他。
- I have bought so many books this year that I can hardly keep count of them. 今年我买了很多很多书,连我自己也不知道到底有多少。
- Some of us took no interest in physics. 起初我们有些人对物理不感兴趣。
- Makes a weekly count of Buffer and Safety. 每周清点缓冲和安全区域的产品。