- Be responsible for the tool management project initialization and execution. 负责刀具管理项目的启动及实施;
- Finally, the integration of barcode identification equipment and tool management system through program was realized. 通过编码,实现了条码识别设备和刀具管理系统的集成。
- The main content covered in this paper is about the relationship between tool management and manufacturing in FMS. 论述了FMS刀具管理与FMS生产制造之间的相互关系。
- So the thesis lays its emphases on concurrent tool management and effective stock management and makes studies and development on tool management. 因此,本文从并行化的工具准备和有效的库存控制两个侧重点对工具管理进行了研究和开发。
- Recently, the city introduced a public housing rents and municipal party and government functionaries daily communications tool management reform. 近日,我市实行了对公有住房租金和市级党政机关工作人员日常通信工具管理的改革。
- Broach. 2.TS or ISO quality procedures. 3.Experience with intelligent tool management system and SAP will be preferred. 4.Successfully compl... 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:3-5年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历
- The organization shall establish and implement a system for production tooling management including tool modification and revision to documentation. 组织应建立和实施生产工装管理的系统包括工具修改和文件修订。
- As the requirement of practical application, we implement dynamic secret key management using multi-layer private key management strategyAs a convenience for database administration, we also provide a program for encrypt tool management. 密钥管理是实现数据库加密的关键技术之一。 针对实际应用情况,采用了多级密钥管理方案,在加强安全的同时,实现了密钥的动态管理。
- To introduce and implement Tool Management in the company through establishing the function team, conducting effective training, coordinating the work among different teams, and executing the concrete tasks. 通过建立职能小组,实施有效的培训,协调各小组之间的工作,并且完成相关具体任务,来在公司引入和实施工装管理。
- The ZOLLER Shanghai, Ltd. team provides sales and service for tool presetters, tool measuring and inspection machines, tool management software, heat-shrink systems and tool balancing machines. ZOLLER上海有限公司为刀具预调仪、刀具检测设备、刀具管理软件、刀具加热缩紧系统和刀具平衡机械提供销售和服务。
- Serial work flow is adopted in traditional tool management, so it is difficult to make preparations for shop floor production in time and to respond to product" s variation quickly. 传统的工具管理采用串行的工作流程,不能及时的为车间生产做出准备及快速响应产品的变化,并且工具的库存积压资金过多。
- After making analyses on the status of tool distribution and studies on the features of tool flow in FMS,a high efficient and reliable tool management method is recommended in the paper. 通过分析FMS生产过程中刀具的分布状况和研究FMS的刀具流动特点,提出了一套高效、可靠的FMS刀具管理方法。
- Be able to read mechanical draft, good at tooling management and repair, good trouble shooting skills. 能认识机械图纸,擅长工具管理及维修,良好的解决问题能力;
- The organization shall establish and implement a system for production tooling management including tool-change programmes for perishable tools. 组织应建立和实施生产工装管理的系统包括易损工装的更换计划。
- Instructions for using the tool can be found in the compendium. 在手册中可以找到这个工具的使用说明。
- The system named machining center modulations tools management system was developed according to enterprise's actual circumstances.This system has some intelligent functions. 结合企业的实际情况,介绍了自主开发的加工中心模块式刀具管理系统以及该系统具有的部分智能查询功能。
- I think you'll find this tool of use to him. 我想你会发现这个工具对他很管用。
- Don't injure yourself with that tool. 不要让那工具伤害到你。
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。