- Words are your tools of thought. 词汇是思维的工具。
- I think you'll find this tool of use to him. 我想你会发现这个工具对他很管用。
- A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣。
- The noise interrupted my train of thought. 喧闹声打断了我的思路。
- His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的电话打断了我的思路。
- Language is the vehicle of thought. 语言是表达思想的工具。
- He had given this question a great deal of thought. 他对这个问题做过许多思考。
- Words are the tools of thought. 言辞是表达思想的手段。
- He is a mere tool of the labor union. 他只不过是工会的一个喽罗罢了。
- Is the UN a tool of the big powers? 联合国是大国的工具吗?
- He had made me the tool of his wicked deeds. 他使我成了他罪恶勾当的工具。
- The telephone rang and interrupted my train of thought. 电话铃响了,打断了我的思路。
- Words are the tools of his trade. 言语是他那一行必不可少的工具。
- I couldn't persuade him to my way of thinking. 我没法说服他接受我的想法。
- The knights were the tools of the king. 骑士是国王的爪牙。
- Tools of this kind are made from steel. 这类工具是钢制的。
- Rashness is the result of ignorance, hesitation of think. 轻率是无知的结果,犹豫是思考的产物。
- Keeping of the tool of B.B.Q room, Prevent lose. 做好烧烤间一切工具的保管,防止流失。
- She was the unwitting tool of the swindlers. 她不知不觉地被这些诈骗犯所利用, 成了他们的工具。
- We must oppose these erroneous trends of thought. 我们必须反对所有这些错误的思潮。