- Seal special-purposly in tooth shape. 齿形专用封口。
- A tooth contact analysis model with a rotating freedom was developed by coupling freedom method to determine the stress and strain field of gears. 摘要利用自由度耦合方法建立了县有旋转自由度的齿轮接触模型,用以分析齿轮的应力应变场。
- The computational models for tooth contact analysis (TCA) and loaded tooth contact analysis (LTCA) of the face gears were established. 建立了直齿面齿轮副轮齿接触分析(TCA)和承载接触分析(LTCA)的计算模型。
- On the basis of the first envelope ,the paper stresses on the tooth contact analysis of the second envelope,and the equations of a worm and a wormwheel flanks are derived . 本文在第一次包络的基础上,着重进行了二次包络齿面接触分析,推导出了蜗杆和蜗轮齿面方程。
- Based on the coordinate transformation method and gearing theory, the mathematical models for generating the rack cutter, pinion, face-gear, as well as Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA), are established. 应用座标转换法与齿轮啮合原理,本文已导出创成齿条齿面数学模式、小齿轮齿面数学模式、面齿轮齿面数学模式、齿面接触分析数学模式及控制抛物线运动误差大小之统御方程组。
- Before machining, we can check the gear's tooth shape easily so as avoiding tooth's abnormity. 在加工之前,便可对齿轮副的齿形进行检查,防止齿形发生异常;
- Based on the theory of sliding-tooth transmission, this paper analyses the tooth shape of the muff sliding-tooth pump. 活齿端面谐波齿轮传动是综合传统的谐波齿轮传动和活齿传动的优点而发明的一种新型传动装置。
- By application of "tooth shape method," the design of the lightest frame element... 所得结果表明,可使重量有较大减轻。
- At the same time, an example for the manufacture of an internal gear shaver is presented through the modification of the longitudinal tooth shape of an external gear shaver. 同时,还列举了用标准的外剃齿刀经过齿向修形来制造内剃齿刀的例子。
- After the proper backlash is achieved, perform the Gear Contact Analysis procedure. 在得到合适的齿隙后,执行齿轮接触分析程序。
- Based on this work,the optimal tooth shape parameters have been given,which wi ll make the sawing force and the stress in blade tooth lower. 在此基础上,以较小的锯切力和锯齿应力水平、合理的锯齿应力分布目标,给出合理的齿形参数。
- This paper puts forward a design method of pulley hob with parabolic tooth shape, which is used in the high torque drive. 提出了高扭矩抛物线齿同步带轮滚刀齿形的设计方法。
- Very lovely teeth shape toothpick cones modeling chic. 非常可爱的牙齿形状的牙签筒,造型别致。
- Analysis on the Tooth Shape of the Saw Blade 金属锯机锯片齿形参数的设计分析
- Parameterized solidmodeling for the TI worm drive is achieved.Tooth contact analysis is developed forthe TI worm gearing with assembly errors. 实现了TI蜗杆传动的三维参数化设计,对含有装配误差的TI蜗杆传动的啮合接触情况进行了分析。
- The paper analyzed the influence of sawing speed and tooth shape of flying saw on producing burr of roll-forming section steel, and briefly introduced the better effects achieved. 针对冷弯型钢生产飞锯锯切断面产生毛刺的问题,分析了锯切线速度,锯齿形状等因素对产生毛刺的影响,并简要介绍了南京轧钢总厂冷弯型钢分厂采取相应措施后锯切毛刺很小或无毛刺的良好效果。
- Cylindrical worms are usually worked by formed turning tool or milling cutter.It is inefficient.The tooth shape is difficult to control and the qual ity is not easy insured. 通常圆柱形蜗杆都是用成型车刀或铣刀加工,效率低而且齿形不易控制,质量也不易保证。
- CAE is conducted on main parts of a mining truck brake, which includes structural static analysis, non-linear contact analysis, modal analysis and transient dynamic analysis. 摘要对矿用汽车制动器主要部件进行了计算机辅助工程分析(CAE),包括:结构静力学分析、非线性接触分析、模态分析、瞬态动力学分析等。
- Z.Q.Gong, K.Komvopoulos, “Mechanical and Thermomechanical Elastic-Plastic Contact Analysis of Layered Media With Patterned Surfaces.” J.Tribol, Vol.126, PP.9-17, 2004. 徐泽志、曹智强“人工关节垫片表面特徵的磨耗分析”元智大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2005。