- The top part of a pillar or column. 柱头一根柱子或圆柱的顶端部分
- The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom. 菌盖蘑菇的上部或菌盖
- A top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle. 尖塔、尖顶:向上逐渐变尖的顶端或顶点;小尖塔。
- The top part or upper edge of a sail. 船帆的上部或顶缘
- The top part of a pillaror column. 柱头一根柱子或圆柱的顶端部分。
- The top part,or pileus,of a mushroom. 菌盖蘑菇的上部或菌盖
- The top part of the piston is the head, or crown. 活塞的顶部是活塞头或者活塞顶。
- The top part, or pileus , of a mushroom. 菌柄:蘑菇或伞菌结构的一部分,其上着生菌盖。
- The projecting top part of a cornice. 檐顶檐凸出的顶部
- Hang the two red lanterns on the top part of the lintel, please. 你把这两个红灯笼挂在门额上吧。
- The circular top part of a capstan, used to hold bars for turning. 绞盘头绞盘的圆形顶部,用于套住轴杆,使之旋转
- An arched part of the body, especially the top part of the skull. 穹窿身体上的拱形部分,尤指头颅的顶部
- The circular top part of a capstan is used to hold bars for turning. 绞盘头绞盘的圆形顶部,用于套住轴杆,使之旋转。
- But Saddle Road, which crosses the top part of the island, is smooth and paved. 但令人意外的,这条穿越岛屿顶端的沙德路,却铺设得相当平坦。
- Represent then a special frame reserved for the top part of the media player. 代表着一个特殊的框架,然后对媒体播放器的顶端部分保留。
- A garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming the top part of a suit. 短上衣刚延伸到腰下的外衣,通常是一套衣服的上半部分
- She fell on her knees, threw open the bag, and tumbled out some spanners and a screwdriver that filled the top part of it. 她跪下身来,打开工具包,把上面塞着的螺丝刀跟扳手统统掏出来。
- We must pierce through the corridor by forming a side opening about the middle, as it were the top part of a cross. 我们必须在地道的中间处开一条丁字形的路。
- If the top part of the post is white then the meter operates everyday including Sundays and public holidays. 如表柱顶部髹上白色,则收费表每天收费,包括星期日及公众假期在内。
- But its most special part is not the structure itself, but the image of Pan Gu enshrined in the top part. 不过它最特别的地方还不在于建筑本身,而是上面供奉的盘古造像。