- Is one of the top universities in the world. 是世界顶级大学之一。
- Yet even top universities operate under very tight budgets. 不过,即使顶尖大学的预算也十分紧张。
- Not so the top universities that make up the "Russell group", however. 构成“罗素联盟”的顶尖大学却不是这样。
- You graduated from AAA University,a top university. 你毕业于名牌的交通大学。
- My GPA is not good enough for me to get into a top university. 我的平均成绩不够高,进不了一流的大学。
- You graduated from AAA University, a top university. 你毕业于名牌的交通大学。
- Yeah,actually some very top companies only choose some staff from top universities. 是的。事实上一些顶尖的大公司只选择那些从名牌大学毕业的人。
- You are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 想象一下这种情况:你二十一岁是世界最有名大学里的一个有希望的毕业生。
- Yeah, actually some very top companies only choose some staff from top universities. 是的。 事实上一些顶尖的大公司只选择那些从名牌大学毕业的人。
- Major in textile/ apparel from top university preferred. 国内重点院校服装纺织专业优先。
- To be honest, some grads, even those from top universities, are bookworms and are a bit out of tune with reality. 坦白讲,一些毕业生,甚至是一些一流学府的毕业生,都是书呆子,与现实很不合拍。
- Major in textile/apparel from top university preferred. 国内重点院校服装纺织专业优先。
- The core of CNI helps you seamlessly enter the top university. 才能够迈入美国顶尖大学。
- BSc. Pharmacy, BA languages, MA Marketing Management. Have taught at many top universities in Beijing. 教龄医药专业理学学士,语言学学士,市场管理专业硕士。曾在北京多所顶尖大学任教。
- Top universities also normally conduct an interview to evaluate students personally. 顶尖高校还组织面试,亲自对学生进行评估。
- Even in Britain, the top universities are under huge pressure from the government to make their admissions policies less“ elitist”. 即使在英国,顶级的大学也在政府的重压之下,不得不将招生政策调整为“次精英”教育。
- If you studied engineering at top universities and your English is good, then it will be very easy for you to find a job. 如果你上的是名牌大学,学的是工科,而且你的英文很棒,那么找工作会很容易。
- Imagine this :you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 设想一下:你二十岁,而且是世界一流大学的一名很有发展前途的研究生。
- Imagine this :you are twenty.one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 设想一下:你二十岁,而且是世界一流大学的一名很有发展前途的研究生。
- Li Junfeng, a wide-faced, moppy-haired 23-year-old earning a doctorate in mathematics at one of China\'s top universities, has a problem. 这是令那些出类拔粹之辈甚感苦恼的问题:为什么中国人在数学方面落后的这么远?