- He dabbles in Swing and UI development in his free time. 在业余时间里,他还参与了Swing和UI开发。
- I grand mom in swinging Our grandmamas swung on them nooses. “当你悬挂绞索时,对我们来说不是玩笑。
- Abstract: Designing is the hinge in the control of project cost. [提要] 设计是控制工程造价的关键。
- Top hinged door system at rear end 端部顶铰链式门
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- The Z bracket on this in swinging door includes a dress cover for an architecturally attractive appearance. 摆动门安装在此上的Z型支架包括一个建筑上引人注目的盖子.
- The Grateful Dead and Beastie Boys put on more concerts in swing states in support of Barack Obama. 参议员欧巴马在美国总统竞选中拥有强大的领先优势超越麦坎恩。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- Though in the middle of a quiet game by his standards, Rooney accepted the gift gratefully, barely looking up in swinging a boot to beat Ashdown from the edge of the area. 虽然以他的标准来看这是场沉闷的比赛,鲁尼还是得到了大礼,抬头看了一眼前方就在禁区前沿飞起一脚击败了阿什当。
- She (was) whisked up to the top floor in the lift. 她乘电梯迅速到达顶层。
- In the a final sprint, Illinois Senator Braca Barack Obama started the day in the key squanstate in swing state of Florida. 来自伊利诺伊州的参议员巴拉卡奥巴马从重要的还处于摇摆的佛罗里达州开始了(总统大选)最后一天的冲刺。
- The girl was dressed in brown from top to toe. 那女孩从头到脚穿着一身棕色的衣服。
- You can either skim this chapter or skip ahead to Chapter 3, which lays a foundation for the rest of your work in Swing. 您还可以不看这章,向前跳到第3章,那里将为您剩下的工作打下基础。
- Tai Hing in a commercial project tired, remove investors for the development of the property itself pursuit of profits and returns, there are also regional and interregional economic competition. 其次,上海有着强大的购买群体,这不仅仅包括上海本地的购买力,更有来自外地以及国际化的消费。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelist. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- The rear door hinges/is hinged at the top so that it opens upwards. 後面的门是在顶部铰接上的,以便可以向上开。
- Largest knee extension, toe-off genuflex during stance phase and largest knee flexion in swing phase was much less than that of the control group (P<0.05). 治疗组支撑相最大伸膝、足尖离地屈膝及摆动相最大屈膝角度均较对照组明显减小(P<0.;05)。
- And with an election next year, public opinion souring and attack ads already hammering pro-war Republicans in swing states[1], some of Mr Bush's allies are turning on him too. 来年就是大选了,在选举竞争激烈的几个州[1],民意的反对以及反战的宣传已经重创了支持战争的共和党人,布什总统曾经的一些同盟者也开始对他倒戈相向了。
- She's in top position in the class. 她是班级里的优等生。
- How the Yugoslav crisis plays out will hinge in large measure on the Yugoslav military's effectiveness and unity, or lack thereof, and the extent to which it continues to back Serbian militias in Croatia. 南斯拉夫危机将演变到何种程度,主要关键在于南国军方是否有效和团结,以及其继续支持克罗地亚境内塞尔维亚民兵的程度。