- Torrential mountain streams;a torrential downpour. 湍急的山溪流;倾盆大雨
- torrential mountain streams; a torrential downpour. 湍急的山溪流;倾盆大雨
- torrential mountain streams 湍急的山溪流
- When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge. 雪融化时,山间溪流变成山洪暴发。
- Murmur mountain stream, tranquil lake water, also has the torrential river water, roars sea water. 潺潺的溪水,平静的湖水,也有滔滔的江水,咆哮的海水。
- They bathed in a cool mountain stream. 他们在清凉的山间溪流中游泳。
- Having taken a bath in the raw in a cold mountain stream, we went to a village. 在冰冷的山间小溪胡乱洗个澡之后,我们就向一座村庄走去。
- A mountain stream pours into the rivers. 山涧向河里倾注。
- Several mountain streams pour into the pool. 几股山泉倾注到深潭里。
- I can still go through the mountain stream. 我也可以走过峦流。
- Her voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream. 她莺语呖呖,好像高山流水。
- The little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain. 小山涧奔流而下,流向平原。
- Now these salmon only live in cold, high mountain streams. 如今这些鲑鱼只栖息于高山的冷冽溪流里。
- When the snow melt, the mountain stream become a deluge. 雪融化时,山间溪流变成山洪暴发。
- When the snow melted,the mountain stream became a deluge. 雪融化时,山间溪流变成山洪暴发。
- When the snow melted, the mountain stream became a deluge . 雪融化时,山间溪流变成山洪暴发
- The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque. 曾经是很清澈的山溪, 现在受到污染变得混浊了。
- Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain. 小山涧奔腾而下, 流向平原。
- The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque . 曾经是很清澈的山溪现在受到污染变得混浊了。
- In swift mountain streams bryophytes may actually form pure societies. 在急速的山溪中,苔藓可能实际上形成纯组合。