- torsion of greater omentum 大网膜扭转
- Torsion with infarction of a segment of greater omentum was the unexpected finding in both cases. 手术的方式是将扭转坏死的网膜切除。
- Conclusion It is reliable to repair abdominal wall defect caused by surgical incision with pedicle graft of greater omentum and polypropylene mesh instead of peritoneum. 结论带蒂大网膜代替腹膜加聚丙烯网片修复腹壁缺损的方法疗效可靠,副作用少。
- Abstract: Objective To evaluate the outcome of pedicle graft of greater omentum and polypropylene mesh in reconstruction of large defect of abdominal wall caused by surgical incision. 文章摘要: 目的探讨带蒂大网膜加聚丙烯网片修复手术切除致腹壁巨大缺损的临床效果。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- Proper stem guiding eliminates torsion of bellows. 适当的阀杆导引可以消除波纹管的挠曲。
- In this report, we describe a case of greater omental hemorrhage in Taiwan. 一位47岁的男性,在三天前因用完大餐之后,发生持续性上腹疼痛且合并有腹膜炎徵象。
- Isolate actinomycosis of the greater omentum is extremely rare. 然而单一只发生在大网膜上放射线菌感染的情形是极为罕见的。
- Combined they produce a torsion of the stem. 两者结合可造成假体柄扭转。
- transplantation of greater omentum 大网膜移植
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。
- pediculated transplantation of greater omentum 带蒂大网膜移植术
- It has proved of great assistance in such training. 事实证明,在这类训练中,它很有好处。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- He is capable of great villainies. 他能干出极坏的事情。
- This project is of great benefit to everyone. 这项工程对每个人都大有好处。
- We are facing a problem of great complexity. 我们正面对着一个极复杂的问题。
- He played the man in the time of great trouble. 他在极为困难的时候显示出男子汉的气概。
- He is a man of great resolution. 他是一个极其果断的人。