- The design consisted of a central box structure. 设计包括一个中部箱式结构。
- The radiator is hexahedral box structure with inverted-trapezoid. 该散热器呈倒梯形的六面体箱式结构。
- The fittings box structure is on the second rectangular and can be optionally opened or closed to hold a second article in the second rectangular. 配件盒结构位于第二次矩形体上,配件盒结构可以选择性地打开或关闭,以容置一第二物品于第二次矩形体内。
- As box structure is employed as inner form of cast-in-situ concrete slab to form hollow two-way slab,the slab deadweight is greatly reduced. 采用箱体结构作为现浇空心楼盖结构内模,形成空心双向板,可大大降低楼盖自重,具有混凝土用量少、结构自重轻、地震作用小、隔声隔热效果好等优点,综合效益显著。
- A shell structure and a composite material box structure have been analyzed integrally as engineering instances, and the results is satisfying. 本文分步讨论了对实际结构进行有限元建模、模态试验和相关性分析常用的方法、步骤。
- Our weight platforms adopt the box structure of all steel with high intensity and feature sturdiness, durability, stable performance and long product lifecycle etc. 整体设备安装调试简便,计量精度高、性能稳定可靠,从而受到各界用户的好评。
- The Basic Box Structure Images are sourced from STRUCTURAL PACKAGE DESIGNS published by THE PEKIN PRESS, 2003. 吊盒:如果贵公司的商品需要陈列于吊钩上,我门也有多款吊盒设计公您选择。
- A complex bounding box structure is a list of single bounding boxes with a position and rotation relative to the object. 一个复杂的限制范围框结构是一张相对于物体包含位置和旋转的单个限制范围框的列表。
- The fixed text is any string that you choose, and each format item corresponds to an object or boxed structure in the list. 固定文本是所选择的任何字符串,并且每个格式项对应于列表中的一个对象或装箱的结构。
- Hollow box structures for both the deck and piers, whether of steel or concrete, are better than steel trussed structures. 无论是钢结构还是混凝土结构,空心的箱型结构对承梁和桥墩都比钢梁桁架式结构好。
- A horizontal slab (roofed by numerous box structures) contains the stadium - a kind of cut-out - and seems to hover above the Dutch polder landscape. 一块巨大的横板(上面有许多箱形建筑)遮住整个运动场,犹如一块切好的积木,而且,又好像在荷兰的围海造田风景上面翱翔。
- The material performance of the military medical case, the characteristics of the box structural design and the testing to its protective performance are also described. 分述了部队用医疗箱箱体材料性能、箱体的结构设计及箱体防护性能试验情况。
- The host then passed around a box of cigars. 主人这时拿了一盒雪茄烟请大家抽。
- How could he get his heavy box up all those stairs? 这么重的箱子他是怎么抬上楼的?
- He brought the box of groceries in from the car. 他把一盒食品从汽车上拿进来。
- The heavy box landed crash on his head. 沉重的箱子哗啦一声掉到他的头上。
- An amylograph is a rotational torsion viscometer. 淀粉糊粘度图示仪是一种旋转的扭转粘度计。
- It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box. 抬起这只沉重的箱子要花费相当大的力气。
- A portable torsion balance is used for weighing. 用一台轻便的弹簧秤称重。
- He opened his safe and drew out a petty-cash box. 他打开保险柜取走一个小钱匣。