- torsional moment inertia 抗扭惯性矩
- Shenyang Outai-Kdw Torsional Moment Technology Co., Ltd. 沈阳欧泰-凯达扭矩技术有限公司。
- With the known imputing torsional moment Ti and horse power Hi of the gear. 与已知塑料轮的输入力矩Ti和马力Hi比较。
- Similar comments apply to torsion if the torsional moment and twist per unit length are constant throughout a member. 如果扭矩和单位长度上扭角沿杆件为常量,则上述的结论也可以用于扭矩。
- Decelerator gears bottom rollers providing torsion moment for coiling sheet metal. 本机床结构紧凑,操作维修方便。
- Considering the restraining moment of the secondary beam, the paper deduces formulas for calculating torsional moment of edge beam of frame. 考虑次梁的约束作用,推导了框架边梁的扭矩计算公式,分析了影响扭矩大小的主要因素。
- The highest torsional moment to failure was obsered for the external fixator with moderate axial stiffness and high shear stiffness. 失败的最高扭矩观测到的中度轴向刚度高剪切刚度外固定架。
- On the basis of the principles of differential geometry, We have found the balanced eq "ations of the ideal sliver and obtained the for,nulas for calculation of torsional moment. 本文建立了固定假捻器的简化模型,根据微分几何原理推导出理想纱条的平衡方程,并得到扭矩的计算式。
- Dynamic Testing Systems Series LFV - T Upgrading the test system with torsional performance with customized torsional moment, angle and frequency range. 微机控制电液伺服拉扭疲劳试验系统,主要用于测定金属材料及其构件在正弦波、三角波、方波、梯形波、斜波、程序块波谱状态下进行: 拉压扭复合疲劳;
- The existence of adiabatic shear band and the crack caused by the band are important features in dynamic torsion moment tests. 绝热剪切带的出现和由它引起的裂纹是动态扭矩试验时的重要特征。
- Bending and torsion moments can lead to permanent damage to the load cell. 弯曲和扭转会对测压元件造成永久性破坏。
- For reducing the disadvantageous influence of the the relaxation of strain and the lose of pretension on the structure, the time span of delaying scene torsional moment checx and accurate maintence method are given. 为减少高强螺栓预拉应变松弛和预拉应力损失对结构的不利影响,给出了延迟现场扭矩检测的时间区间和正确维护的方法。
- The latest constructing machine and the newest technology were adopted to ensure that the borehole is perpendicular to the rock face of roof and that the depth of borehole and the torsional moment of the anchoring bolt meet the design requirement. 采用最新锚杆施工机具及工艺,保证钻孔垂直于顶板岩面,孔深及锚杆扭矩满足新型机械锚杆的设计要求。
- It is pointed out that the design of magnetic pulley with large torsional moment is restricted by the contacting structure of circumference between cylinder and end-cover fixed radially by stud bolt. 分析了传统设计的磁滑轮各部件间传递扭矩的情况,指出了圆筒与端盖间圆周面接触径向螺栓紧固的结构方式限制了大扭矩磁滑轮的设计。
- In this paper, the behavior and the law of distribution of additional bending stresses in web under concentrated torsional moment were analyzed, and methods of computing these stresses were discussed. 本文着重分析腹板附加弯曲应力的性质和分布规律,并探讨了腹板附加弯曲应力的计算方法。关于影响腹板附加弯曲应力的其他因素,将另有专题报告。
- Ideas of inertia and complacency are both wrong. 无所作为和骄傲自满的论点都是错误的。
- I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一种懒洋洋的感觉。
- Performance of the coated tool and non-coated tool in cutting process is analyzed through measuring durability of the indexable insert turning tool and cutting force (torsional moment) of tap. 介绍了涂层刀具与未涂层刀具在切削加工中的性能比较及试验研究。主要通过不重磨车刀的耐用度及丝锥的切削力(扭矩)等因素来展开试验分析。
- Shear stresses and shear strains in prismatic members may be caused by either torsional moments, or by shear forces associated with flexure. 在等截面杆件中,剪应力和剪应变可以由扭矩引起,或者由变曲相关的剪力引起。
- I'm unable to throw off this feeling of inertia. 我无法摆脱这种懒散的感觉。