- Shear waves of two vibration modes can be produced in laboratories: the shear vibration and the torsion vibration. 摘要实验室可以产生两种振动模式的横波,一种是剪切振动,另一种是扭转振动。
- torsional vibrational mode 扭转模式
- Some Key Techniques in Design of Brush Type Ultrasonic Motor Using Longitudinal and Torsional Vibration Modes 电刷式纵扭型超声电机结构设计中的关键技术
- I don't like some people in library.mobile phone not to change to vibrational mode,speak ... 我不喜欢图书馆里的那些人;手机不调成震动;大声的说话;图书管理员将书重重的摔在地上.
- The natural frequency and mode of longitudinal and torsional vibration of derricks (masts) looked upon as a system of multi-degree of freedom are calculated as well. 按多自由度空间体系计算井架纵向和扭转振动的自振频率和振型。
- Please switch your cell phone to vibrating mode. 请将手机调成震动状态。
- The parameters reflecting normal stiffness have more obvious effects on extensional vibration mode than those on flexural mode and torsion mode. 结合面法向刚度大小的参数对纵向振动模态的影响比对弯曲、扭振模态的影响显著;
- Vibrational modes of the qing resemble those of a bell. 磬的振动模态与钟类似。
- Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule(FCO)2 and study vibrational mode of the two configuration. 目的为了验证草酰氟中性分子(FCO)2光谱分析的结果和进一步研究2种构像的振动模式。
- I don't like some people in library.mobile phone not to change to vibrational mode,speak loudly,librarian drop books on the ground heavily. 我不喜欢图书馆里的那些人;手机不调成震动;大声的说话;图书管理员将书重重的摔在地上.
- Based on the interaction between two ions and bichromatic radiation, the vibrational mode is only virtually excited so that the system is insensitive to the thermal field. 用双色激光同时照射两个离子,振荡模处于虚激发状态,所以系统对热场不敏感。
- Computation, Analysis and Improvement for Torsional Vibration Property in Multi- cylinder I. C. E. 多缸内燃机轴系扭振性能的计算分析与改善。
- The rotor-stator contact problem can be detected by monitoring the torsional vibration signals. 提出了从转子扭转振动的变化来诊断转静碰摩故障的方法,并探讨了此方法的可行性和有效性。
- The study of torsional vibration and bending and axial vibration of crankshaft system are summarized in this paper. 摘要简单综述了内燃机曲轴扭振、弯振和纵振的研究内容及相关方法。
- In this paper the torsional vibration problems of the propulsion shaft system of the underwater craft were discussed. 主要讨论以摆盘式活塞发动机作为其主机的某水下航行装置推进轴系的扭转振动问题。
- The computation shows that parameters reflecting the tangential stiffness have more significant effects on torsion mode of structure than those on extensional vibration mode and flexural mode. 结果表明,描述结合面切向刚度大小的参数对结构的扭振刚度模态的影响比对纵向振动模态和弯曲模态的影响显著;
- Earthquake can cause torsional vibration to high-rise structures with irregular plane. 平面不规则的高层建筑结构在地震作用下会发生扭转振动效应。
- The dual mass fly-wheel has more excellent effect on reducing torsional vibration than the clutch. 双质量飞轮较离合器而言,具有更好的减振效果。
- The crankshaft torsional vibration characteristics was studied based on the results of measurement made at the pully. 摘要关于曲轴扭转振动特性的研究是基于在三角皮带轮上的测量结果,而不是那些与三角皮带轮有相对关系的结果。
- So try to keep your phone ringer as low as possible or put it on vibrate mode. 最好把手机铃声调到最低,或者调成振动模式。