- total accumulation rate 总累积率
- Higher accumulation rate of nitrite is attributed to long sludge age of thermophilic bacterium and integral structure of the reactor. 高亚硝酸盐积累率主要是高温低泥龄和反应器的一体式结构引起的。
- The amylase, amylopectin and total starch accumulation rates of all treatments had a change with mono-peak curve, and reached the maximum on the 28th day after anthesis. 各处理直链淀粉、支链淀粉、总淀粉积累速率均呈单峰曲线变化,其峰值出现在子粒开始灌浆后第28天前后。
- Film- covered can respectively increase the average and fastest accumulation rate of dry matter by 21.6, 21.8 percent, and increase the biological yield by 22 percent. 干物质平均累积速率、最快累积速率分别提高21.;6%25和21
- Wetland has high Hg accumulation rate and methylation capacity.In wetland, redox condition and abundant organic carbon are favorable to methylation of Hg. 湿地具有较高的汞累积速率和甲基汞生产能力,湿地的氧化-还原条件和丰富的有机碳有利于汞的甲基化。
- Forests Currently,there are 263 million hectares of forestry land,159 million hectares of forest,with 12.488 billion m3 of total accumulation of live timber and 11.267 billion m3 of forest storage. 森林 中国现有林业用地26300万公顷,森林面积15900万公顷,活立木蓄积量1248800万立方米,森林蓄积量1126700万立方米。
- The distri bution of pyrite and siderite is apparently related to sediment accumulation rate,with frequent appearance of siderite in the lower part of the para sequence . 自生的黄铁矿/菱铁矿比与沉积物堆积速率之间存在一定的联系。
- The main results were as follows: based on the starch accumulation rate of the tested wheat cultivars, three different soil textures were arranged in the order of loam>clay>sandy. 结果表明:壤土上淀粉积累速率最大,粘土上次之,砂土上最小。
- The total accumulation of N and P were 22. 54kgand 3. 13kg, and it needs 8. 60kg N and 1.19kg P in formulation of 100kg seed; The total accumulation of dry material was 876.47kg,the ratio of grain/stem was 0. 51, and the economic index was 0. 30. 氮磷总积累量分别为22.;28kg和3
- Results showed that whatever fertilization practices in this study could promote nitrogen uptake,improve the N accumulation rate and increase its remobilization to fruit. 在施等量氮素养分条件下,草莓器官的氮素吸收状况对不同氮肥品种反应不一。
- The thickness of the mud deposit reaches the greatest in the east end ofShandong Peninsula, i.e., around 30 m, whilst the accumulation rate is very small,only of the order of mm/a. 泥质沉积的厚度以山东半岛东端最大,约30m。
- By systematic analysis on some key elements and factors in department economic growth, this paper put forward a feasible economic control model and get the optimal accumulation rate of department economic growth by the optimum principle. 本文在系统分析部门经济发展的各要素及因素后,建立了可行的经济控制模型;并利用最优性原理得到了部门经济发展最优积累率。
- the system of total accumulation 完全积累制
- Exoterically the annual thickness indicates the accumulation rate of cave secondary carbonate and has the positive relations with precipitation, so they are both used as precipitation proxy. 年层厚度指标指示次生碳酸盐的年沉积速率,一般上它与降水成正相关关系,反映降水的变化;
- The analysis includes the concentration ratio at the base of a GCL, advective and diffusive mass flux, and total accumulated contaminant mass through the liner per unit area. 从衬垫底部浓度比、对流和扩散通量、污染物累积运移量等方面,对污染物在GCL中的运移进行了计算。
- The N application of later-date-emphasized increased amylose and amylopectin accumulating rate. 侧重后期施氮处理有利于提高直、支链淀粉积累速率。
- The organic carbon accumulation rates indicate that the paleoproductivity increased in the northern SCS and decreased in the southern SCS during the past 900 years. 有机碳分析南海北部近900年来古生产力呈上升趋势,南部则为下降趋势。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- Higher CO 2 concentr ati on increased use efficiencies of N and P (NUE and PUE), but did not affect relat ive nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation rates (RNAR and RPAR). CO2 浓度升高 ,氮磷利用效率 (NUE和PUE)提高 ,而对相对氮磷累积速率 (RNAR和RPAR)影响不大。
- When hydraulic conductivity is high, diffusive accumulated mass can be neglected.Using advective accumulated contaminant mass instead of total accumulated contaminant mass will cause more less error. 当渗透系数较大时,可以忽略扩散累积运移量,用对流累积运移量代替总累积运移量引起的误差很小。