- total daily energy expenditure(TDEE) 日耗能总量
- total daily energy expenditure 每日热能消耗总量
- It includes individual metabolism,energetic equivalence of different activities,breeding energy and daily energy expenditure (DEE) and so on. 种群能量学着重介绍研究范畴、个体代谢率、不同活动的能当量、繁殖能学、每日能耗 (DEE)及种群和群落能流等的研究进展
- daily energy expenditure 日耗能量
- This mechanism also requires energy expenditure. 这种机制也需消耗能量。
- This is mostly domestic waste,and represents about 70 per cent of Hong Kong's total daily domestic waste production. 当中大部分为家居废物,占香港每日家居废物总产量约七成。
- The only component of energy expenditure that can readily be manipulated is the exercise component. 能量支出的极为方便易行的唯一方法就是运动。
- Railways form an important part of the public transport system in Hong Kong. They account for 30 per cent of the total daily public transport volume. 铁路是香港公共交通运输系统的重要部分,占每日公共运输客量的三成。
- Walrus balances the vibration of the land and of the sea in the daily energy flow through our species. 海象在通过我们物种的每日能量流中,平衡了大地和海洋之间的振动。
- The size of individual dose in relation to body weight was more important than the total daily dose. 与体重相应的单次剂量的大小要比一天总剂量更为重要。
- Enterprises shall establish and strengthen their daily energy consumption records and accumulative statistical records. 企业应当建立健全能源消耗原始记录和统计台帐。
- Leptin,the product of the adipose specific ob gene,regulates food intake and energy expenditure. 瘦素是肥胖基因编码的产物 ,可调控进食行为和能量消耗。
- This is mostly domestic waste, and represents about 70 per cent of Hong Kong's total daily domestic waste production. 当中大部分为家居废物,占香港每日家居废物总产量约七成。
- Active transport: This process is characterized by selectivity and saturability and requires energy expenditure by the cell. 主动转运这种转运过程的特征是选择性和饱和性,需要细胞的能量消耗。
- One recived TPN and the other TPN/GLN for at least one week, or till patients could take food, which could supply half daily energy needs. 静脉营养师根据随机数据表,将受试者分为两组,分别接受全胃肠外营养或全胃肠外营养联合力肽(谷氨酰胺双肽)治疗。
- Methods: The resting energy expenditure(REE)was observed in 75 burn adults on PBD 1,2,3 and 7. 方法:实测75例烧伤患者的REE,测点为烧伤后1、2、3和7d,13名正常人测定值作为对照。
- The total daily transfer limit for Hang Seng (China) Manned Phone Banking Service and Automated Phone Banking Services are shared. 恒生(中国)人工电话理财服务及恒生(中国)自动语音电话理财服务的日转账总额度为共享。
- Energy expenditure can be minimized by a properly performed above-the-knee amputation. 能量消耗可通过恰当的膝上截肢术最小化。
- More important, however, the Evenki way of life necessitates a much higher level of energy expenditure. 不过更重要的是,依文奇人的生活型态必须花费的能量高多了。
- Energy expenditure can be minimized by a properly performed aboe-the-knee amputation. 能量消耗可通过恰当的膝上截肢术最小化。